\name{writeWIG} \alias{writeWIG} \title{write ChIP-chip data to a *.wig file} \description{ This function writes the all columns of the assayData to a wiggle file. } \usage{ writeWIG(expressionSet, probeAnno, file, chr=NULL, probeLength=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{expressionSet}{an ExpressionSet object} \item{probeAnno}{a probeAnno object} \item{file}{path to write to} \item{chr}{subset of chromosomes in probeAnno. If specified, only the subset is written to the file.} \item{probeLength}{length of the probes on the chip.} } \author{ Benedikt Zacher \email{zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de}} \keyword{IO}