\name{writeGeneResult} \alias{writeGeneResult} \title{Write a condition-specific analysis result text file} \description{ \code{writeGeneResult} produces a text file containing the list of gene, if they have been detected as tissue-specific or not (S/N), for how many tissues in total, how many tissue as up-regulated, how many tissue as down-regulated, in which tissues for up-regulated and down-regulated. } \usage{ writeGeneResult(L.specific.result, file.name.result.gene = "gene_summary_result.txt", gene.names = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{L.specific.result}{the \code{L.specific.result} list of the included in the result of the main \code{SpeCond} function: generalResult$specificResult$L.specific.result} \item{file.name.result.gene}{the name of the produced file containing the list of specific genes an thier specific detection} \item{gene.names}{vector of gene's names to select a suset of genes. The default is NULL, all genes from the input matrix in \code{SpeCond} function are used} } \author{Florence Cavalli, florence@ebi.ac.uk} \seealso{ \code{SpeCond},\code{getProfile},\code{writeSpeCondResult},\code{writeUniqueProfileSpecificResult}} \examples{ library(SpeCond) data(expressionSpeCondExample) ##Perform the condition specific detection analysis with SpeCond() generalResult=SpeCond(expressionSpeCondExample, param.detection=NULL, multitest.correction.method="BY", prefix.file="E", print.hist.pv=TRUE, fit1=NULL, fit2=NULL, specificOutlierStep1=NULL) specificResult=generalResult$specificResult ##write the result file writeGeneResult(specificResult$L.specific.result, file.name.result.gene= "Example_gene_summary_result.txt", gene.names= rownames(expressionSpeCondExample)[1:10]) }