\name{getSpecificOutliersStep1} \alias{getSpecificOutliersStep1} \title{Detect the condition-specific as outliers in for the first step on the SpeCond procedure} \description{ Perform the first detection step of the SpeCond procedure. Use the fitting of the gene expression value with a mixture of normal distribution results and a set of rules to detect the outliers. It returns the outliers detected as specifically expressed for each gene. } \usage{ getSpecificOutliersStep1(expressionMatrix, fit1 = NULL, param.detection = NULL, multitest.correction.method = "BY", prefix.file = NULL, print.hist.pv = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{expressionMatrix}{the gene expression matrix (genes * conditions)} \item{fit1}{the result of \code{fitPrior} containing the parameter of the mixture normal model of the expression data} \item{param.detection}{the parameter for the detection, a vector with the names ("per","md","mlk","rsd","pv") or the first row of the matrix obtained by \code{getDefaultParameter} or \code{createParameterMatrix}} \item{multitest.correction.method}{the multitest correction method. The default is "BY", for the possible values see \code{p.adjust}} \item{prefix.file}{a prefix added to the generated file. The default is NULL but has to be set. It is useful to change the prefix when you perform a new analysis. As you may want to compare the results with different parameters set.} \item{print.hist.pv}{to print in a pdf file the (non-adjusted) p-value histogram} } \value{ A list of size the number of rows (genes) in the expressionMatrix. If the gene has outlier expression, the column number of this outlier is stored, NULL if not. } \details{ Frist essential method to obtain the matrix of expression value from your ExpressionSet to apply the SpeCond procedure step by step using the following function \code{fitPrior}, \code{fitNoPriorwithExclusion}, \code{getSpecificOutliersStep1}, \code{getSpecificResult}. The returned matrix will be the expressionMatrix argument of the above function } \author{Florence Cavalli, florence@ebi.ac.uk} \seealso{ \code{fitPrior}, \code{SpeCond}, \code{getSpecificResult}} \examples{ library(SpeCond) data(expressionSpeCondExample) ##Perform the SpeCond analysis step by step param.detection=getDefaultParameter() param.detection fit1=fitPrior(expressionSpeCondExample, param.detection=param.detection) specificOutlierStep1=getSpecificOutliersStep1(expressionSpeCondExample, fit=fit1$fit1, param.detection, multitest.correction.method="BY", prefix.file="run1_Step1", print.hist.pv=FALSE) ##then use fitNoPriorWithExclusion() and getSpecificResult() }