\name{SolexaPath-class} \docType{class} \alias{SolexaPath-class} % constructors \alias{SolexaPath} % methods \alias{SolexaSet,SolexaPath-method} \alias{qa,SolexaPath-method} \alias{report,SolexaPath-method} \alias{show,SolexaPath-method} \alias{detail,SolexaPath-method} % transforming methods \alias{readIntensities,SolexaPath-method} \alias{readPrb,SolexaPath-method} \alias{readQseq,SolexaPath-method} \alias{readFasta,SolexaPath-method} \alias{readFastq,SolexaPath-method} \alias{readBaseQuality,SolexaPath-method} \alias{readAligned,SolexaPath-method} \title{"SolexaPath" class representing a standard output file hierarchy} \description{ Solexa produces a hierarchy of output files. The content of the hierarchy varies depending on analysis options. This class represents a standard class hierarchy, constructed by searching a file hierarchy for appropriately named directories. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects from the class are created by calls to the constructor: \code{SolexaPath(experimentPath, dataPath=.solexaPath(experimentPath, "Data"), scanPath=.solexaPath(dataPath, "GoldCrest"), imageAnalysisPath=.solexaPath(dataPath, "^(C|IPAR)"), baseCallPath=.solexaPath(imageAnalysisPath, "^Bustard"), analysisPath=.solexaPath(baseCallPath, "^GERALD"), ..., verbose=FALSE) } \describe{ \item{experimentPath}{\code{character(1)} object pointing to the top-level directory of a Solexa run, e.g., \code{/home/solexa/user/080220_HWI-EAS88_0004}. This is the only required argument} \item{dataPath}{(optional) Solexa \sQuote{Data} folder .} \item{scanPath}{(optional) Solexa GoldCrest image scan path.} \item{imageAnalysisPath}{(optional) Firecrest image analysis path.} \item{baseCallPath}{(optional) Bustard base call path.} \item{analysisPath}{(optional) Gerald analysis pipeline path.} \item{...}{Additional arguments, unused by currently implemented methods.} \item{verbose=FALSE}{(optional) logical vector which, when \code{TRUE} results in warnings if paths do not exist.} } All paths must be fully-specified. } \section{Slots}{ \code{SolexaPath} has the following slots, containing either a fully specified path to the corresponding directory (described above) or \code{NA} if no appropriate directory was discovered. \describe{ \item{\code{basePath}}{See \code{experimentPath}, above.} \item{\code{dataPath}}{See above.} \item{\code{scanPath}}{See above.} \item{\code{imageAnalysisPath}}{See above.} \item{\code{baseCallPath}}{See above.} \item{\code{analysisPath}}{See above.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{.Solexa}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{.ShortReadBase}"}, by class ".Solexa", distance 2. } \section{Methods}{ Transforming methods include: \describe{ \item{readIntensities}{ \code{signature(dirPath = "SolexaPath", pattern=character(0), run, ...)}: Use \code{imageAnalysisPath(sp)[run]} as the directory path(s) and \code{pattern=character(0)} as the pattern for discovering Solexa intensity files. See \code{\link{readIntensities,character-method}} for additional parameters.} \item{readPrb}{ \code{signature(dirPath = "SolexaPath", pattern=character(0), run, ...)}: Use \code{baseCallPath(dirPath)[run]} as the directory path(s) and \code{pattern=character(0)} as the pattern for discovering Solexa \sQuote{prb} files, returning a \code{\linkS4class{SFastqQuality}} object containing the maximum qualities found for each base of each cycle. The \code{...} argument may include the named argument \code{as}. This influences the return value, as explained on the \code{\link{readPrb,character-method}} page. } \item{readFasta}{ \code{signature(dirPath, pattern = character(0), ..., nrec=-1L, skip=0L)}: Use \code{analysisPath(dirPath)[run]} as the directory path(s) for discovering fasta-formatted files, returning a \code{\linkS4class{ShortRead}} object. The default method reads \emph{all} files into a single object.} \item{readFastq}{ \code{signature(dirPath = "SolexaPath", pattern = ".*_sequence.txt", run, ..., qualityType="SFastqQuality")}: Use \code{analysisPath(dirPath)[run]} as the directory path(s) and \code{pattern=".*_sequence.txt"} as the pattern for discovering fastq-formatted files, returning a \code{\linkS4class{ShortReadQ}} object. The default method reads \emph{all} sequence files into a single object.} \item{readBaseQuality}{ \code{signature(dirPath = "SolexaPath", seqPattern = ".*_seq.txt", prbPattern = "s_[1-8]_prb.txt", run, ...)}: Use \code{baseCallPath(dirPath)[run]} as the directory path(s) and \code{seqPattern=".*_seq.txt"} as the pattern for discovering base calls and \code{prbPattern=".*_prb.txt"} as the pattern for discovering quality scores. Note that the default method reads \emph{all} base call and quality score files into a single object; often one will want to specify a pattern for each lane.} \item{readQseq}{ \code{signature(directory="SolexaPath", pattern=".*_qseq.txt.*", run, ...., filtered=FALSE)}: Use \code{analysisPath(dirPath)[run]} as the directory path and \code{pattern=".*_qseq.txt.*"} as the pattern for discovering read and quality scores in Solexa 'qseq' files. Data from \emph{all} files are read into a single object; often one will want to specify a pattern for each lane. Details are as for \code{\link{readQseq,character-method}}.} \item{readAligned}{ \code{signature(dirPath = "SolexaPath", pattern = ".*_export.txt.*", run, ..., filter=srFilter())}: Use \code{analysisPath(dirPath)[run]} as the directory path and \code{pattern=".*_export.txt"} as the pattern for discovering Eland-aligned reads in the Solexa 'export' file format. Note that the default method reads \emph{all} aligned read files into a single object; often one will want to specify a pattern for each lane. Use an object of \code{\linkS4class{SRFilter}} to select specific chromosomes, strands, etc.} \item{qa}{ \code{signature(dirPath="SolexaPath", pattern="character(0)", run, ...)}: Use \code{analysisPath(dirPath)[run]} as the directory path(s) and \code{pattern=".*_export.txt"} as the pattern for discovering Solexa \code{export}-formatted fileds, returning a \code{\linkS4class{SolexaExportQA}} object summarizing quality assessment. If \code{Rmpi} or \code{parallel} has been initiated, quality assessment calculations are distributed across available nodes or cores (one node per export file.)} \item{report}{ \code{signature(x, ..., dest=tempfile(), type="pdf")}: Use \code{qa(x, ...)} to generate quality assessment measures, and use these to generate a quality assessment report at location \code{dest} of type \code{type} (e.g., \sQuote{pdf}). } \item{SolexaSet}{\code{signature(path = "SolexaPath")}: create a \code{\linkS4class{SolexaSet}} object based on \code{path}.} } Additional methods include: \describe{ \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "SolexaPath")}: briefly summarize the file paths of \code{object}. The \code{experimentPath} is given in full; the remaining paths are identified by their leading characters.} \item{detail}{\code{signature(x = "SolexaPath")}: summarize file paths of \code{x}. All file paths are presented in full.} } } \author{Martin Morgan} \examples{ showClass("SolexaPath") showMethods(class="SolexaPath", where=getNamespace("ShortRead")) sf <- system.file("extdata", package="ShortRead") sp <- SolexaPath(sf) sp readFastq(sp, pattern="s_1_sequence.txt") \dontrun{ nfiles <- length(list.files(analysisPath(sp), "s_[1-8]_export.txt")) library(Rmpi) mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=nfiles) report(qa(sp)) } \dontrun{ nfiles <- length(list.files(analysisPath(sp), "s_[1-8]_export.txt")) library(parallel) options(srapply_fapply="parallel") report(qa(sp)) } } \keyword{classes}