\name{SnapshotFunction-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{SnapshotFunction-class} \alias{SnapshotFunction} \alias{show,SnapshotFunction-method} \alias{SnapshotFunctionList-class} \alias{SnapshotFunctionList} \alias{SnapshotFunctionList,SnapshotFunction-method} \alias{SnapshotFunctionList,ANY-method} \alias{reader} \alias{viewer} \alias{limits} \title{Class "SnapshotFunction"} \description{ A class to store custom reader and viewer functions for the \code{\link{Snapshot}} class. } \usage{ SnapshotFunction(reader, viewer, limits, ...) reader(x, ...) viewer(x, ...) limits(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{reader}{A function for reading data. The function must take a single argument (a \code{\link{Snapshot}} instance) and return a \code{data.frame} summarizing the file.} \item{viewer}{A function for visualizing the data. The function must accept the \code{data.frame} created by \code{reader}, and return an \code{\link{SpTrellis}} object representing the view.} \item{limits}{An integer(2) indicating the minimum and maximum number of nucleotides the \code{SnapshotFunction} is intended to visualize. For instance, a \sQuote{fine-scale} viewer displaying a pileup might be appropriate at between 1000 and 50000 nucleotides.} \item{x}{An instance of \code{SnapshotFunction}} \item{...}{Additional arguments, currently unused.} } \section{Fields}{ \describe{ \item{\code{reader}:}{Object of class \code{\link{function}} for reading data from BAM files and returning a \code{\link{data.frame}}.} \item{\code{viewer}:}{Object of class \code{\link{function}} for visulazation that returns an \code{\link{SpTrellis}} object.} \item{\code{limits}:}{Object of class \code{integer} for the limits of ranges to be visuzlized.} } } \author{Martin Morgan and Chao-Jen Wong} \seealso{\code{\link{Snapshot}}} \examples{ ## internally defined function reader(ShortRead:::.fine_coverage) viewer(ShortRead:::.fine_coverage) limits(ShortRead:::.fine_coverage) } \keyword{classes}