\name{AlignedRead-class} \docType{class} \alias{AlignedRead-class} \alias{[,AlignedRead,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,AlignedRead,ANY,missing-method} \alias{[,AlignedRead,missing,ANY-method} \alias{[,AlignedRead,missing,missing-method} \alias{[,AlignedRead,missing,missing,ANY-method} \alias{[,AlignedRead,missing,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,AlignedRead,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,AlignedRead,ANY,missing,ANY-method} \alias{append,AlignedRead,AlignedRead,missing-method} \alias{coerce,PairwiseAlignedXStringSet,AlignedRead-method} \alias{coerce,AlignedRead,RangesList-method} \alias{coerce,AlignedRead,RangedData-method} \alias{coerce,AlignedRead,GRanges-method} \alias{coerce,AlignedRead,GappedAlignments-method} \alias{coerce,AlignedRead,GappedReads-method} \alias{chromosome,AlignedRead-method} \alias{position,AlignedRead-method} \alias{strand,AlignedRead-method} \alias{coverage,AlignedRead-method} \alias{srrank,AlignedRead-method} \alias{srorder,AlignedRead-method} \alias{srduplicated,AlignedRead-method} \alias{\%in\%,AlignedRead,RangesList-method} \alias{detail,AlignedRead-method} \alias{show,AlignedRead-method} \title{"AlignedRead" class for aligned short reads} \description{ This class represents and manipulates reads and their genomic alignments. Alignment information includes genomic position, strand, quality, and other data. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects of this class can be created from a call to the \code{\link{AlignedRead}} constructor, or more typically by parsing appropriate files (e.g., \code{\link{readAligned}}). } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{chromosome}}{Object of class \code{"factor"} the particular sequence within a set of target sequences (e.g. chromosomes in a genome assembly) to which each short read aligns.} \item{\code{position}}{Object of class \code{"integer"} the (base-pair) position in the genome to which the read is aligned. AlignedRead objects created by readAligned use 1-based indexing, with alignemnts reported in \sQuote{left-most} coordinates, as described in the vignette.} \item{\code{strand}}{Object of class \code{"factor"} the strand of the alignment.} \item{\code{alignQuality}}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} representing an alignment quality score.} \item{\code{alignData}}{Object of class \code{"AlignedDataFrame"} additional alignment information.} \item{\code{quality}}{Object of class \code{"BStringSet"} representing base-call read quality scores.} \item{\code{sread}}{Object of class \code{"DNAStringSet"} DNA sequence of the read.} \item{\code{id}}{Object of class \code{"BStringSet"} read identifier.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{ShortReadQ}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{ShortRead}"}, by class "ShortReadQ", distance 2. Class \code{"\linkS4class{.ShortReadBase}"}, by class "ShortReadQ", distance 3. } \section{Methods}{ See \code{\link{accessors}} for additional functions to access slot content, and \code{\linkS4class{ShortReadQ}}, \code{\linkS4class{ShortRead}} for inherited methods. Additional methods include: \describe{ \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "AlignedRead", i = "ANY", j = "missing")}: This method creates a new \code{AlignedRead} object containing only those reads indexed by \code{i}. \code{chromosome} is recoded to contain only those levels in the new subset.} \item{append}{\code{signature(x = "AlignedRead", values = "AlignedRead", length = "missing")}: append \code{values} after \code{x}. \code{chromosome} and \code{strand} must be factors with the same levels. See methods for \code{ShortReadQ}, \code{AlignedDataFrame} for details of how these components of \code{x} and \code{y} are appended.} \item{coerce}{ \code{signature(from = "PairwiseAlignedXStringSet", to = "AlignedRead")}: \code{signature(from = "AlignedRead", to = "RangesList")}: \code{signature(from = "AlignedRead", to = "RangedData")}: \code{signature(from = "AlignedRead", to = "GRanges")}: \code{signature(from = "AlignedRead", to = "GappedAlignments")}: \code{signature(from = "AlignedRead", to = "GappedReads")}: Invoke these methods with, e.g., \code{as(from, "AlignedRead")} to coerce objects of class \code{from} to class \code{"AlignedRead"}. Coercion from AlignedRead to \link[IRanges]{RangesList}, \link[IRanges]{RangedData} or \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges} assumes that \code{position(from)} uses a \sQuote{leftmost} (see \code{coverage} on this page) coordinate system. Since \link[IRanges]{Ranges} objects cannot store \code{NA} values, reads with \code{NA} in the \code{position}, \code{width}, \code{chromosome} or (in the case of GRanges) \code{strand} vectors are dropped. } \item{chromosome}{\code{signature(object = "AlignedRead")}: access the chromosome slot of \code{object}.} \item{position}{\code{signature(object = "AlignedRead")}: access the position slot of \code{object}.} \item{strand}{\code{signature(object = "AlignedRead")}: access the strand slot of \code{object}.} \item{coverage}{ \code{signature(x = "AlignedRead", shift = 0L, width = NULL, weight = 1L, ..., coords = c("leftmost", "fiveprime"), extend=0L)}: Calculate coverage across reads present in \code{x}. \code{shift} must be either \code{0L} or a named integer vector with names including all \code{levels(chromosome(x))}. It specifies how the reads in \code{x} should be (horizontally) shifted \emph{before} the coverage is computed. \code{width} must be either \code{NULL} or a named vector of non-negative integers with names including all \code{levels(chromosome(x))}. In the latter case, it specifies for each chromosome the end of the chromosome region over which coverage is to be calculated \emph{after} the reads have been shifted. Note that this region always starts at chromosome position 1. If \code{width} is \code{NULL}, it ends at the rightmost chromosome position covered by at least one read. \code{weight} must be \code{1L} for now (weighting the reads is not supported yet, sorry). \code{coords} specifies the coordinate system used to record position. Both systems number base pairs from left to right on the 5' strand. \code{leftmost} indicates the eland convention, where \code{position(x)} is the left-most (minimum) base pair, regardless of strand. \code{fiveprime} is the MAQ convention, where \code{position(x)} is the coordinate of the 5' end of the aligned read. \code{extend} indicates the number of base pairs to extend the read. Extension is in the 3' direction, measured from the 3' end of the aligned read. The return value of \code{coverage} is a \code{SimpleRleList} object. } \item{\%in\%}{ \code{signature(x = "AlignedRead", table = "RangesList")}: Return a length(x) logical vector indicating whether the chromosome, position, and width of \code{x} overlap (see IRanges \code{\link[IRanges:IntervalTree-class]{overlap}}) with ranges in \code{table}. Reads for which \code{chromosome()}, \code{position()}, or \code{width()} return \code{NA} \emph{never} overlap with \code{table}. This function assumes that positions are in \sQuote{leftmost} coordinates, as defined in \code{coverage}. } \item{srorder}{\code{signature(x = "AlignedRead", ..., withSread=TRUE)}:} \item{srrank}{\code{signature(x = "AlignedRead", ..., withSread=TRUE)}:} \item{srsort}{\code{signature(x = "AlignedRead", ..., withSread=TRUE)}:} \item{srduplicated}{\code{signature(x = "AlignedRead", ..., withSread=TRUE)}: Order, rank, sort, and find duplicates in \code{AlignedRead} objects. Reads are sorted by \code{chromosome}, \code{strand}, \code{position}, and then (if \code{withSread=TRUE}) \code{sread}; less fine-grained sorting can be accomplished with, e.g., \code{x[srorder(sread(x))]}. \code{srduplicated} behaves like \code{duplicated}, i.e., the first copy of a duplicate is \code{FALSE} while the remaining copies are \code{TRUE}.} \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "AlignedRead")}: provide a compact display of the \code{AlignedRead} content.} \item{detail}{\code{signature(x = "AlignedRead")}: display \code{alignData} in more detail.} } } \author{Martin Morgan } \seealso{ \code{\link{readAligned}} } \examples{ showMethods(class="AlignedRead", where=getNamespace("ShortRead")) dirPath <- system.file('extdata', 'maq', package='ShortRead') (aln <- readAligned(dirPath, 'out.aln.1.txt', type="MAQMapview")) coverage(aln)[[1]] cvg <- coverage(aln, shift=c(ChrA=10L)) ## remove 0 coverage on left ends ltrim0 <- function(x) { i <- !cumprod(runValue(x) == 0) Rle(runValue(x)[i], runLength(x)[i]) } endoapply(cvg, ltrim0) ## demonstration of show() and detail() methods show(aln) detail(aln) } \keyword{classes}