\name{combfunc} \alias{combfunc} \title{Combining two p-values using Fisher's product or normal inversion method} \description{ Combining two p-values using Fisher's product or normal inversion methods. } \usage{ combfunc(p1=NULL,p2=NULL,combine="fisher") } \arguments{ \item{p1}{A vector of probabilities.} \item{p2}{A vector of probabilities.} \item{combine}{A string with the name of the method to be used. Options include "fisher","norminv"} } \details{Two vectors of p-values are combined into a vector of global p-values.} \value{ A vector of p-values. } \references{ Adi L. Tarca, Sorin Draghici, Purvesh Khatri, et. al, A Signaling Pathway Impact Analysis for Microarray Experiments, 2008, Bioinformatics, 2009, 25(1):75-82. \cr } \author{Adi Laurentiu Tarca , Purvesh Khatri, Sorin Draghici} \seealso{\code{\link{spia}}} \examples{ # Examples use colorectal cancer dataset p1=c(0.2,0.4,0.1) p2=c(0.01,0.7,0.01) pG=combfunc(p1,p2,combine="fisher") pG=combfunc(p1,p2,combine="norminv") } \keyword{nonparametric}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{methods}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line