\name{samroc.result-class} \docType{class} \alias{samroc.result-class} \alias{show,samroc.result-method} \alias{plot,samroc.result-method} \alias{plot,samroc.result,ANY-method} \title{Class "samroc.result" for results of the function samrocN} \description{The class samroc.result is the output of a call to \code{\link{samrocN}} and the input of various other functions. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{d}:}{Object of class "numeric". Observed test statistic.} \item{\code{diff}:}{Object of class "numeric". Estimate of effect, e.g. difference between group means.} \item{\code{se}:}{Object of class "numeric". Standard error of \code{diff}.} \item{\code{d0}:}{Object of class "matrix". Permutation test statistics.} \item{\code{p0}:}{Object of class "numeric". The estimated proportion unaffceted genes.} \item{\code{s0}:}{Object of class "numeric". The fudge factor.} \item{\code{pvalues}:}{Object of class "numeric". The p-values.} \item{\code{N.list}:}{Object of class "integer". The optimal top list size among the sizes suggested.} \item{\code{errors}:}{Object of class "numeric". The sum of false postives and false negatives given a list that includes the current gene.} \item{\code{formula}:}{Obeject of class "formula". The linear model formula used.} \item{\code{contrast}:}{Object of class "numeric". The contrast estimated.} \item{\code{annotation}:}{Object of class "character". Annotation or comments regarding the analysis. By default the date.} \item{\code{N.sample}:}{Object of class "integer". The number of samples.} \item{\code{B}:}{Object of class "integer". The number of premutations.} \item{\code{call}:}{Object of class "character". The call to the function.} \item{\code{id}:}{Object of class "character". The probeset ids.} \item{\code{error.df}:}{Object of class "integer". The error degrees of freedom.} \item{\code{design}:}{Object of class "matrix". The design matrix.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{(samroc.result): Summarizes the test result.} \item{plot}{(samroc.result): Plots the density of the observed test statistic and that of the corresponding null distribution} } } \author{Per Broberg} \seealso{\code{\link{samrocN}}} \keyword{methods}