\name{Xprep} \alias{Xprep} \title{Fitting of a linear model} \description{The function fits a linear model to a microarray data matrix.} \usage{Xprep(indata=M, formula=~as.factor(g), contrast=c(0,1), design=NULL)} \arguments{ \item{indata}{The data matrix} \item{formula}{a linear model formula in the lm format} \item{contrast}{a vector defining the contrast of interest} \item{design}{the design matrix} } \author{Per Broberg} \value{a list with the entries \item{Mbar}{estimate of the contrast} \item{Vest}{the error variance} \item{k}{inverse of the scale factor turning Vest into a standard error} \item{f}{the degrees of freedom of Vest} \item{design}{the design matrix} } \keyword{models}