\name{detectionCall} \alias{detectionCall} \title{Determine detection p values for each gene in an RNA-seq dataset} \description{Use GC content adjusted background read counts to determine the detection p values for each gene} \usage{ detectionCall(dataset, species="hg", plot=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{dataset}{a character string giving the filename of a SAM format file, which is the output of read alignment.} \item{species}{a character string specifing the species. Options are \code{hg} and \code{mm}.} \item{plot}{logical, indicating whether a density plot of detection p values will be generated.} } \value{A data frame which includes detection p values and annotation information for each genes.} %\references{} \author{Zhiyin Dai and Wei Shi} %\note{} %\seealso{} % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. %\keyword{} %\keyword{}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line