\name{atgcContent} \alias{atgcContent} \title{Calculate percentages of nucletodies A, T, G and C in a sequencing read datafile} \description{Calculate percentages of nucletodies A, T, G and C } \usage{ atgcContent(filename, basewise=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{ character string giving the name of input FASTQ/FASTA file} \item{basewise}{ logical. If \code{TRUE}, nucleotide percentages will be calculated for each base position in the read across all the reads. By default, percentages are calculated for the entire dataset.} } \details{ Sequencing reads could contain letter "N" besides "A", "T", "G" and "C". Percentage of "N" in the read dataset is calcuated as well. The \code{basewise} calculation is useful for examining the GC bias towards the base position in the read. By default, the percentages of nucleotides in the entire dataset will be reported. } \value{ A named vector containing percentages for each nucleotide type if \code{basewise} is \code{FALSE}. Otherwise, a data matrix containing nucleotide percentages for each base position of the reads. } %\references{} \author{Zhiyin Dai and Wei Shi} %\note{} %\seealso{} \examples{ library(Rsubread) reads <- system.file("extdata","reads.txt",package="Rsubread") # Fraction of A,T,G and C in the entire dataset x <- atgcContent(filename=reads,basewise=FALSE) # Fraction of A,T,G and C at each base location across all the reads xb <- atgcContent(filename=reads,basewise=TRUE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. %\keyword{} %\keyword{}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line