\name{indexTabix} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{indexTabix} \title{ Compress and index tabix-compatible files. } \description{ Index (with \code{indexTabix}) files that have been sorted into ascending sequence, start and end position ordering. } \usage{ indexTabix(file, format=c("gff", "bed", "sam", "vcf", "vcf4", "psltbl"), seq=integer(), start=integer(), end=integer(), skip=0L, comment="#", zeroBased=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{file}{A characater(1) path to a sorted, bgzip-compressed file.} \item{format}{The format of the data in the compressed file. A characater(1) matching one of the types named in the function signature.} \item{seq}{If \code{format} is missing, then \code{seq} indicates the column in which the \sQuote{sequence} identifier (e.g., chrq) is to be found.} \item{start}{If \code{format} is missing, \code{start} indicates the column containing the start coordinate of the feature to be indexed.} \item{end}{If \code{format} is missing, \code{end} indicates the column containing the ending coordinate of the feature to be indexed.} \item{skip}{The number of lines to be skipped at the beginning of the file.} \item{comment}{A single character which, when present as the first character in a line, indicates that the line is to be omitted. from indexing.} \item{zeroBased}{A logical(1) indicating whether coordinats in the file are zero-based.} \item{...}{Additional arguments.} } \value{ The return value of \code{indexTabix} is an updated instance of \code{file} reflecting the newly-created index file. } \references{ \url{http://samtools.sourceforge.net/tabix.shtml} } \author{ Martin Morgan . } \examples{ from <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.sam", package="Rsamtools") to <- tempfile() zipped <- bgzip(from, to) idx <- indexTabix(zipped, "sam") tab <- TabixFile(zipped, idx) res <- yieldTabix(tab) } \keyword{ manip }