\name{validProbeAnno} \alias{validProbeAnno} \alias{validateProbeAnno} \title{Function to check a probeAnno environment} \description{ This function checks whether a probeAnno environment seems to be valid and will work with other Ringo functions. } \usage{ validProbeAnno(probeAnno) } \arguments{ \item{probeAnno}{an environment that holds probe matches to genomic coordinates} } \details{ This function checks certain properties of the mapping environment that are used by other Ringo functions. It can indicate potential problems in the environment. } \value{ \code{TRUE} if the environment seems to be a valid probeAnno environment, \code{FALSE} if a potential problems with this environment was identified. This potential problem is explained as a warning. } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link{posToProbeAnno}}} \examples{ ## first a toy example: if (interactive()){ A = new.env() assign("1.+.start",seq(100,1000,by=100),env=A) validProbeAnno(A) assign("1.+.end",c(99,seq(250,1050,by=100)),env=A) assign("1.+.unique",numeric(10),env=A) assign("1.+.index",c(2:5,1,7,8,6,10), env=A) validProbeAnno(A) assign("1.+.index",c(2:5,1,7,8,6,10,3), env=A) validProbeAnno(A) assign("1.+.end",c(150,seq(250,1050,by=100)),env=A) validProbeAnno(A) } ## validate the provided example probeAnno load(file.path(system.file("exData",package="Ringo"),"exampleProbeAnno.rda")) validProbeAnno(exProbeAnno) } \keyword{internal}