\name{sigGOTable} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{sigGOTable} \title{ Obtain significant GO terms for a list of genes } \description{ Function to obtain a table of significant GO terms given a list of genes, for example: genes related to ChIP-enriched regions. } \usage{ sigGOTable(selGenes, universeGenes, annotType="list", ontology="BP", maxP=0.001, algorithm="elim", minGenes=10, gene2GO=list(), pkg="org.Mm.eg.db", ...) } \arguments{ \item{selGenes}{character; names of the genes in the list; must correspond to the names of the list \code{gene2GO} (if annotType is \dQuote{list}) or to Entrezgene identifiers (if annotType is \dQuote{org}). } \item{universeGenes}{ character; names of the genes to focus the analysis on (if desired). Sometimes specifying a smaller list of genes as the background 'universe' may lead to more informative results from the Fisher test. } \item{annotType}{string; in which format is the GO annotation of the genes provided; either \dQuote{list} if a named list (argument \code{gene2GO}) is provided OR \dQuote{org} if one of the Entrezgene-based annotation packages, e.g. \code{org.Xx.eg.db}, shall be used } \item{ontology}{string; which ontology to use, one of \dQuote{BP}, \dQuote{MF}, or \dQuote{CC} } \item{maxP}{numeric; which maximum p-value to allow for GO terms to be called significantly associated to the gene list; passed on topGO function \code{runTest} and used to subset the table of significant GO terms reported by topGO. } \item{algorithm}{string; one of \sQuote{elim}, \sQuote{classic}, \sQuote{weight}, \sQuote{topgo}, or \sQuote{parentChild}; which method to use in the topGO analyis; see the topGO package for details. } \item{minGenes}{numeric; the required minimum number of genes (from \code{universeGenes}) that must be annotated for a GO term in order to consider it in the analysis; corresponds to the argument \code{nodeSize} in \code{topGO} } \item{gene2GO}{ A list that contains for each gene the identifiers (GO:00001234...) of GO terms that are annotated for this gene; only used if \code{annotType=}\dQuote{list} } \item{pkg}{Name of the Entrezgene-based annotation package to obtain the GO annotation from. Only used if \code{annotType=}\dQuote{org} } \item{\dots}{additional arguments that are passed on to the constructor when building the \code{topGOdata} object.} } \details{ This function is really just a convenience wrapper around functions in the \code{topGO} package. It performs an exact Fisher-test and by default uses the \sQuote{elim} method of the \code{topGO} testing framework. } \value{ a \code{data.frame} containing the GO terms with p-values lower than the specified cut-off. } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{function \code{runTest} and the vignette in package \code{topGO}} \examples{ \dontrun{ library("topGO") library("hgu95av2.db") # get probe sets annotated for 'regulation of blood pressure' sel <- get("GO:0007616", hgu95av2GO2ALLPROBES) # create list that matches probe sets to GO ps2GO <- lapply(as.list(hgu95av2GO), names) sigGOTable(selGenes=sel, annotType="list", gene2GO=ps2GO) } } \keyword{internal} \keyword{manip}