\name{preprocess} \alias{preprocess} \title{Preprocess Raw ChIP-chip Intensities} \description{ Calls one of various (\code{limma}) functions to transform raw probe intensities into (background-corrected) normalized log ratios (M-values). } \usage{ preprocess(myRG, method="vsn", ChIPChannel="R", inputChannel="G", returnMAList=FALSE, idColumn="PROBE_ID", verbose=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{myRG}{object of class \code{RGList}} \item{method}{string; denoting which normalization method to choose, see below for details} \item{ChIPChannel}{string; which element of the \code{RGList} holds the ChIP result, see details} \item{inputChannel}{string; which element of the \code{RGList} holds the untreated \emph{input} sample; see details} \item{returnMAList}{logical; should an MAList object be returned? Default is to return an ExpressionSet object.} \item{idColumn}{string; indicating which column of the \code{genes} data.frame of the RGList holds the identifier for reporters on the microarray. This column, after calling \code{\link[base]{make.names}} on it, will make up the unique \code{featureNames} of the resulting \code{ExpressionSet}. If argument \code{returnMAList} is \code{TRUE}, this argument is ignored.} \item{verbose}{logical; progress output to STDOUT?} \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed on \code{normalizeWithinArrays} and \code{normalizeBetweenArrays}} } \details{ The procedure and called \code{limma} functions depend on the choice of method. \describe{ \item{loess}{Calls \code{normalizeWithinArrays} with \code{method="loess"}.} \item{vsn}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="vsn"}.} \item{Gquantile}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="Gquantile"}.} \item{Rquantile}{Calls \code{normalizeBetweenArrays} with \code{method="Rquantile"}.} \item{median}{Calls \code{normalizeWithinArrays} with \code{method="median".}} \item{nimblegen}{Scaling procedure used by Nimblegen. Yields scaled log-ratios by a two step procedure: srat = log2(R) - log2(G) srat = srat - tukey.biweight(srat)} \item{Gvsn}{Learns \code{vsn} model on green channel intensities only and applies that transformation to both channels before computing fold changes.} \item{Rvsn}{Learns \code{vsn} model on red channel intensities only and applies that transformation to both channels before computing fold changes.} \item{none}{No normalization of probe intensities, takes raw \code{log2(R)-log2(G)} as component \code{M} and \code{(log2(R)+log2(G))/2} as component \code{A}; uses \code{normalizeWithinArrays} with \code{method="none"}.} } Mostly with two-color ChIP-chip, the ChIP sample is marked with the red Cy5 dye and for the untreated \emph{input} sample the green Cy3 dye is used. In that case the RGList\code{myRG}'s element \code{R} holds the ChIP data, and element \code{G} holds the input data. If this is not the case with your data, use the arguments \code{ChIPChannel} and \code{inputChannel} to specify the respective elements of \code{myRG}. } \value{ Returns normalized, transformed values as an object of class \code{ExpressionList} or \code{MAList}. } \note{ Since Ringo version 1.5.6, this function does not call limma's function \code{\link[limma:backgroundcorrect]{backgroundCorrect}} directly any longer. If wanted by the user, background correction should be indicated as additional arguments passed on to \code{\link[limma]{normalizeWithinArrays}} or \code{\link[limma:normalizebetweenarrays]{normalizeBetweenArrays}}, or alternatively call \code{\link[limma:backgroundcorrect]{backgroundCorrect}} on the \code{RGList} before \code{preprocess}ing. } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link[limma]{normalizeWithinArrays}}, \code{\link[limma:normalizebetweenarrays]{normalizeBetweenArrays}}, \code{\link[limma]{malist}}, \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}, \code{\link[vsn:vsn2]{vsnMatrix}}} \examples{ exDir <- system.file("exData",package="Ringo") exRG <- readNimblegen("example_targets.txt","spottypes.txt", path=exDir) exampleX <- preprocess(exRG) sampleNames(exampleX) <- make.names(paste(exRG$targets$Cy5,"vs", exRG$targets$Cy3,sep="_")) print(exampleX) ### compare VSN to NimbleGen's tukey-biweight scaling exampleX.NG <- preprocess(exRG, method="nimblegen") sampleNames(exampleX.NG) <- sampleNames(exampleX) if (interactive()) corPlot(cbind(exprs(exampleX),exprs(exampleX.NG)), grouping=c("VSN normalized","Tukey-biweight scaled")) } \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS