\name{posToProbeAnno} \alias{posToProbeAnno} \alias{posToProbeAnnoEnvironment} \alias{createProbeAnno} \title{Function for creating a probeAnno environment} \description{ This function allows the user to create a probeAnno environment that holds the mapping between probes on the array and their genomic match position(s). As input, the function takes either a.) one of NimbleGen's POS file or a similar file that holds the mapping of probes to the genome. OR b.) a \code{data.frame} holding this information } \usage{ posToProbeAnno(pos, chrNameColumn = "CHROMOSOME", probeColumn = "PROBE_ID", chrPositionColumn = "POSITION", lengthColumn = "LENGTH", sep="\t", genome="unknown", microarrayPlatform="unknown", verbose = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{pos}{either a file-name that specifies the path to the POS or other mapping file OR a data.frame holding the mapping} \item{chrNameColumn}{name of the column in the file or \code{data.frame} that holds the chromosome name of the match} \item{probeColumn}{name of the column that holds the matching probe's unique identifier} \item{chrPositionColumn}{name of the column that holds the match genomic position/coordinate on the chromosome} \item{lengthColumn}{name of the column that holds the length of the match position, in case of perfect match should correspond to the sequence length of the probe} \item{sep}{string; denotes the seperator between elements in the supplied mappings file \code{pos}; passed on to function \code{scan}; ignored if \code{pos} is not a filename.} \item{genome}{string; denotes genome (and assembly) the reporters have been mapped to for this probeAnno object, e.g. "M. musculus (mm9)"} \item{microarrayPlatform}{string; denotes the commercial or custom microarray platform/design that holds the reporters whose mapping is stored in this probeAnno object, e.g. "NimbleGen MOD SUZ12"} \item{verbose}{logical; should progress be written to STDOUT?} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed on to function \code{scan}, which is used for reading in the file \code{pos}.} } \details{ The default column names correspond to the column names in a NimbleGen POS file. For custom mappings, using the tools Exonerate, BLAT or MUMmer, the scripts directory of this package holds Perl scripts to generate such a POS file from the respective output files. } \value{ The results is an object of class \code{probeAnno}. } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link{probeAnno-class}}, \code{\link{scan}}} \examples{ exPos <- read.delim(file.path(system.file("exData",package="Ringo"), "MOD_2003-12-05_SUZ12_1in2.pos"), header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE) str(exPos) exProbeAnno <- posToProbeAnno(exPos, genome="M. musculus (assembly mm8)", microarrayPlatform="NimbleGen 2005-06-17_Ren_MM5Tiling_Set1") ## is equivalent to exProbeAnno2 <- posToProbeAnno(file.path( system.file("exData",package="Ringo"),"MOD_2003-12-05_SUZ12_1in2.pos"), genome="M. musculus (assembly mm8)", microarrayPlatform="NimbleGen 2005-06-17_Ren_MM5Tiling_Set1") ls(exProbeAnno) chromosomeNames(exProbeAnno2) } \keyword{manip}