\name{nimblegenScale} \alias{nimblegenScale} \title{Function to compute scaled log-ratios} \description{ This function compute the scaled log-ratios from raw probe intensities, as done by Nimblegen for scaling of ChIP-chip data. } \usage{ nimblegenScale(myRG, ...) } \arguments{ \item{myRG}{Object of class \code{RGList}} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed on to \code{tukey.biweight}} } \details{ Nimblegen provides scaled log-ratios as normalized values for the probes. log.ratio = log2(R)-log2(G) scaled.ratio = log.ratio - tukey.biweight(log.ratio) } \value{ Return an \code{MAList}, with the M slot of the list holding the scaled log ratios. } \references{for more details on the Tukey biweight estimator: Statistical Algorithms Description Document, 2002, Affymetrix. } \author{Joern Toedling} \keyword{manip} \keyword{internal}