\name{computeSlidingT} \alias{computeSlidingT} \title{Function to compute sliding T statistics on a tiling expression set} \description{ Function to compute sliding (regularized) one- or two-sample T statistics on a tiling expression set. } \usage{ computeSlidingT(xSet, probeAnno, allChr = c(1:19, "X", "Y"), test = "one.sample", grouping = NULL, winHalfSize = 400, min.probes = 5, checkUnique = TRUE, uniqueCodes = c(0), verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{xSet}{Object of class \code{ExpressionSet} holding the normalized probe intensity data} \item{probeAnno}{Environment holding the genomic positions of probes in the ExpressionSet} \item{allChr}{Character vector of all chromosomes in genome} \item{test}{character; one of \code{one.sample} or \code{two.sample}} \item{grouping}{factor vector of length equal to number of samples, not required if \code{test=one.sample}} \item{winHalfSize}{Half the size of the window centered at a probe position, in which all other probes contribute to the calculation of the mean and standard deviation.} \item{min.probes}{integer; if less probes are in the sliding window, NA instead of the mean and sd is returned. This is meant to avoid to computing non-meaningful means and standard deviations. If unwanted, set this to 1 or less} \item{checkUnique}{logical; indicates whether the uniqueness indicator of probe matches from the probeAnno environment should be used.} \item{uniqueCodes}{numeric; which numeric codes in the chromosome-wise match-uniqueness elements of the probeAnno environment indicate uniqueness?} \item{verbose}{logical; detailed progress output to STDOUT?} } \value{ An object of class \code{ExpressionSet}, holding the T statistics values for the probes of the supplied ExpressionSet. The number of results samples is the number of levels in the supplied factor \code{grouping}. } \author{Joern Toedling} %\note{the option \code{two.sample} is not implemented yet} \seealso{\code{\link{sliding.meansd}}} \examples{ exDir <- system.file("exData",package="Ringo") load(file.path(exDir,"exampleProbeAnno.rda")) load(file.path(exDir,"exampleX.rda")) tX <- computeSlidingT(exampleX, probeAnno=exProbeAnno, allChr=c("9"), winHalfSize=400) sampleNames(tX) <- "t-Stat_Suz12vsTotal" if (interactive()){ grid.newpage() plot(cbind2(exampleX, tX), exProbeAnno, chrom="9", xlim=c(34318000,34321000), ylim=c(-2,8.5), gff=exGFF, paletteName="Paired") } } \keyword{manip}