\name{autocor} \alias{autocorr} \alias{autocor} \alias{autocorrelation} \title{Function to compute auto-correlation of probe intensities} \description{ Function to compute auto-correlation of probe intensities at specified offsets from the original positions. } \usage{ autocor(x, probeAnno, chrom, samples = NULL, lag.max = 2000, lag.step = 100, cor.method = "pearson", channel = c("red","green","logratio"), idColumn = "ID", verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object either of class \code{ExpressionSet} containing the normalized probe intensities or of class \code{RGList} containing the raw intensities.} \item{probeAnno}{Object of class \code{probeAnno} holding chromosomal match positions and indices of reporters in data matrix.} \item{chrom}{character; chromosome to compute the autocorrelation for} \item{samples}{which samples of the data to use; if more than 1 for each probe the mean intensity over these samples is taken.} \item{lag.max}{integer; maximal offset from the original position, the auto-correlation is to be computed for.} \item{lag.step}{integer; step size of lags between 0 and maximal lag.} \item{cor.method}{character; which type of correlation to compute, translates to argument \code{method} of function \code{cor}} \item{channel}{character; in case \code{x} is an \code{RGList}, which channel to plot, either \code{red}, \code{green} or the \code{logratio} \code{log2(red)-log2(green)}} \item{idColumn}{string; indicating which column of the \code{genes} data.frame of the \code{RGList} holds the identifier for reporters on the microarray. Character entries of the \code{index} elements of the \code{probeAnno} will be matched against these identifiers. If the \code{index} elements of the \code{probeAnno} are numeric or \code{x} is of class \code{ExpressionSet}, this argument will be ignored.} \item{verbose}{logical; extended output to STDOUT} } \details{ the lags, i.e. the offsets from the original position, the auto-correlation is to be computed for, are constructed from the given arguments as \code{seq(0, lag.max, by=lag.step)}. } \value{ Object of class \code{autocor.result}, a numeric vector of auto-correlation values at the offsets specified in argument \code{lags}. The lag values are stored as the \code{names} of the vector. Argument \code{chrom} is stored as attribute \code{chromosome} of the result. } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link{cor}},\code{\link{plot.autocor.result}}} \examples{ exDir <- system.file("exData",package="Ringo") load(file.path(exDir,"exampleProbeAnno.rda")) load(file.path(exDir,"exampleX.rda")) exAc <- autocor(exampleX, probeAnno=exProbeAnno, chrom="9", lag.max=1000) plot(exAc) } \keyword{manip}