\name{image.RGList} \alias{arrayImage} \alias{image.RGList} \alias{image,RGList-method} \title{Function to visualize spatial distribution of raw intensities} \description{ Function to visualize spatial distribution of raw intensities on NimbleGen Oligoarrays. Requires \code{RGList} with component \code{genes} complete with \code{genes$X} and \code{genes$X} coordinates of probes on array. \code{arrayImage} is a synonym of \code{image.RGList}. } \usage{ \method{image}{RGList}(x,arrayno,channel=c("red","green","logratio"), mycols=NULL, mybreaks=NULL, dim1="X", dim2="Y", ppch=20, pcex=0.3, verbose=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class \code{RGList} containing red and green channel raw intensities; possibly result of \code{readNimblegen}.} \item{arrayno}{integer; which array to plot; one of \code{1:ncol(x$R)}} \item{channel}{character; which channel to plot, either \code{red}, \code{green} or the \code{logratio} \code{log2(red)-log2(green)}} \item{mycols}{vector of colors to use for image; if \code{NULL} defaults to \code{colorRampPalette(c("White", "Yellow", "Red"))(10)}} \item{mybreaks}{optional numeric vector of breaks to use as argument \code{breaks} in \code{image.default}; default \code{NULL} means take \code{length(mycols)+1} quantiles of the data as breaks.} \item{dim1}{string; which column of the 'genes' element of the supplied \code{RGList} indicates the first dimension of the reporter position on the microarray surface; for example this column is called 'X' with some NimbleGen arrays and 'Row' with some Agilent arrays.} \item{dim2}{string; which column of the 'genes' element of the supplied \code{RGList} indicates the second dimension of the reporter position on the microarray surface; for example this column is called 'Y' with some NimbleGen arrays and 'Col' with some Agilent arrays.} \item{ppch}{which symbol to use for intensities; passed on as \code{pch} to \code{points..default}} \item{pcex}{enlargement factor for intensity symbols; passed on as \code{cex} to \code{points.default}} \item{verbose}{logical; extended output to STDOUT?} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed on to \code{plot.default} and \code{points.default}} } \value{ invisibly returns NULL; function is called for its side effect, this is producing the plot } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link{readNimblegen}},\code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}, \code{\link[graphics]{points}}} \examples{ exDir <- system.file("exData",package="Ringo") exRG <- readNimblegen("example_targets.txt","spottypes.txt",path=exDir) image(exRG, 1, channel="red", mycols=c("black","darkred","red")) ## this example looks strange because the example data files only ## includes the probe intensities of probes mapped to the forward ## strand of chromosome 9. ## you can see these probes are distributed all over the array } \keyword{hplot}