\name{normalize.quantiles2} \alias{normalize.quantiles2} \title{Reference quantile normalization} \description{ Quantile normalization to a reference set. } \usage{ normalize.quantiles2(X, Reference.Quantiles) } \arguments{ \item{X}{A matrix of probe intensity data to be reference quantile normalized.} \item{Reference.Quantiles}{A vector of the reference quantiles that the probe intensities of a sample is normalized to.} } \details{ The function quantile normalized the probe intensities of a set of microarrays to a set of reference quantiles which are formed by a set of reference microarrays. } \value{ The reference quantile normalized probe intensities. } \references{Chang,K.M., Harbron,C., South,M.C. (2006) An Exploration of Extensions to the RMA Algorithm. Available with the RefPlus package.} \author{ Kai-Ming Chang(kaiming@gmail.com) } \seealso{\code{\link[preprocessCore]{normalize.quantiles}}} \examples{ A<-matrix(rnorm(30),10,3) core<-1:10 An<-normalize.quantiles2(A,core) rank(A[,1])==An[,1] } \keyword{manip}