\name{pluginParser} \alias{pluginParser} \title{RedeR plugin parser.} \description{ Function to parse R expressions to RedeR plugins. } \usage{ pluginParser(dyname, dyncode, args=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{dyname}{Name of the expression to display in RedeR application.} \item{dyncode}{R code (e.g. function) to be parsed.} \item{args}{Option to parse formal arguments.} } \value{ Returns parsed but unevaluated expressions. } \note{ This function is used internally by the 'PluginBuilder' to parse plug-in methods and add-ons. } \author{Mauro Castro} \seealso{ \code{\link[RedeR:PluginBuilder]{PluginBuilder}} } \examples{ x<-function(){...} pluginParser('MyMethod', x, args=TRUE) } \keyword{graph}