\name{nesthc} \alias{nesthc} \alias{nesthc,RedPort-method} \title{Nest hclust objects to containers.} \description{ Method to nest nodes in an active RedeR session. } \usage{ nesthc(obj, hc, ...) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{Object of RedPort Class. } \item{hc}{Either an object of hclust of pvclust class.} \item{...}{ Additional arguments passed to RedeR application; if a "pvclust" object, it also passes arguments for "pvpick" function (e.g. to set the p-value threshold). } } \details{ Additional arguments: \describe{ \item{cutlevel}{Numeric value indicating the point where the hclust object should be cut (default = 2). The distance is related to the option 'metric'. For "rootdist" and "leafdist", the cut level is related to the n steps required to get to the root's level or to the leaf's level, respectively (n>=1). For 'height', the cut is related to the corresponding dendrogram height .} \item{metric}{Metric used to cut the hclust object at the top level (Options: "rootdist", "leafdist" or "height"; default="rootdist") .} \item{nmemb}{Minimum number of members for a nest (>=2) .} \item{nlev}{Maximum number of levels of a nested sequence (default=2) .} \item{grid}{Number of rows and cols to lay out graphs in the panel (default = c(2,3)) . } \item{gridScale}{Expansion factor of the grid area in the app panel. Options: 0.0 to 100 (default = 75) . } \item{gscale}{Expansion factor to set the nest area related to the parents -- or related to the app panel. Provided as a vector with three numbers, c(n1,n2,n3): n1 is related to nests at the first level of the hierarchy (i.e. nests rooted to the panel); n2 is related to nests from single branches, and n3 nests from double branches (default = c(30,75,45)) .} \item{isAnchor}{Logical value; it sets whether to anchor containers in dynamic layouts. } \item{isAssign}{Logical value; it sets whether to assign container names to nested nodes. } \item{theme}{Some pre-defined nest attributes. Options: 'tm0','tm1','tm2','tm3','tm4','tm5', 'tm6' (default: 'tm6') . Alternatively, it can be a list with customized attributes.} \item{nlinewidth}{Line width of a nested series containers.} \item{nfontsz}{Label font size a nested series containers.} \item{plothc}{Logical value; whether to plot the corresponding hclust object (i.e. dendrogram). } \item{col}{A color vector; it is used to color labels in both containers and corresponding hclust object (i.e. dendrogram nodes). } \item{cex}{Numeric character expansion factor of dendrogram text and labels. } \item{xlab}{A label for the dendrogram x axis. } \item{ylab}{A label for the dendrogram y axis. } } } \value{ Add/change graph objects and plot corresponding hclust object. } \author{Mauro Castro} \note{ Prior calling this method invoke RedeR application via XML-RPC server (i.e. 'calld'). } \seealso{ \code{\link[RedeR:RedPort]{RedPort}} \code{\link[RedeR:nestNodes]{nestNodes}} \code{\link[RedeR:gtoy.rm]{gtoy.rm}} } \examples{ g <- gtoy.rm() hc<-hclust(dist(get.adjacency(g))) #plot(hc) rdp <- RedPort('MyPort') \dontrun{ calld(rdp) addGraph(rdp,g) nesthc(rdp, hc) } } \keyword{graph}