\name{getGraph} \alias{getGraph} \alias{getGraph,RedPort-method} \title{Get RedeR graph.} \description{ Method to get and wrap up RedeR graphs into R objects. } \usage{ getGraph(obj, ...) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{ Object of RedPort Class. } \item{...}{ Additional arguments passed to RedeR application. } } \details{ Additional arguments: \describe{ \item{status}{Filter options for RedeR graph status. Valid arguments: <'selected'>, <'nonselected'> or <'all'> (default='all'). } \item{type}{Filter options for RedeR graph objects. Valid arguments: <'node'>, <'container'> or <'all'> (default='node'). } \item{attribs}{Filter options for RedeR graph attributes. Valid arguments: <'plain'>, <'minimal'> or <'all'> (default='plain'). } } } \value{ Returns igraph objects. } \author{Mauro Castro} \seealso{ \code{\link[RedeR:addGraph]{addGraph}} \code{\link[RedeR:RedPort]{RedPort}} } \examples{ rdp <- RedPort('MyPort') \dontrun{ calld(rdp) #ps. first add a graph (e.g. see samples in RedeR or 'addGraph' method)! g <- getGraph(rdp) } } \keyword{graph}