\name{cea} \alias{cea} \title{Co-expression analysis. } \description{ Simple function for correlation analysis. This function computes a null distribution via permutation and returns the significant correlation values. } \usage{ cea(x, sig=0.01, p.adj.method="fdr", cor.method="spearman", nper=100, plotcea=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A matrix or data frame. } \item{sig}{Significance threshold. } \item{p.adj.method}{Correction method passed to "p.adjust" function. } \item{cor.method}{Correlation method passed to "cor" function. } \item{nper}{Number of permutations. } \item{plotcea}{Logical value, option to plot density and the null distributions. } \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to plotcea option. } } \details{ Additional arguments: \describe{ \item{ptype}{If plotcea=TRUE, ptype provides 5 pre-defined plotting options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Default=1) . } \item{bk}{If plotcea=TRUE, bk removes non-significant values from the density distribution (0 <= bk <=1 ) . } \item{n.breaks}{If plotcea=TRUE, n.breaks sets the number of histogram breaks . } \item{plotnull}{Logical value, whether to plot the null distribution (Default=TRUE).} \item{avnull}{If plotnull=TRUE, avnull takes the average null distribution (Default=TRUE). } \item{nullcol}{If plotnull=TRUE, nullcol sets the color of the null distribution (Default="black"). } } } \value{ Matrix with significant correlation values. } \author{Mauro Castro} \seealso{ \code{\link[stats:cor]{cor}} \code{\link[stats:p.adjust]{p.adjust}} } \examples{ data(ER.deg) #--- a gene expression matrix exp <- ER.deg$exp #--- a sample from gx!! idx <- sample(1:nrow(exp))[1:100] exp <- exp[idx,] res <- cea(x=exp, nper=100, plot=FALSE, ptype=4) #ps set 'nper' for at least 1000 } \keyword{cea}