\name{RedeR.data} \alias{Carroll2006} \alias{hs.inter} \alias{ER.limma} \alias{ER.deg} \docType{data} \title{Pre-processed dataset for RedeR case study.} \description{ Preprocessed data from a time-course gene expression and ChIP-on-chip analysis of estrogen receptor (ER) binding sites in MCF7 breast cancer cell line (Carroll et al, 2006). } \usage{data(Carroll2006)} \format{ \code{Carroll2006}{ List containing 'exp', 'tgs', 'ids', and 'bdsites' R objects.} } \details{ The gene expression dataset consists of 12 time-course Affymetrix U133Plus2.0 microarrays: 3 replicates at 0h, 3 replicates at 3h, 3 replicates at 6h and 3 replicates at 12h. The original dataset is available at GEO database (GSE11324). The gene ER binding site dataset consists of a Bed file of ER ChIP-on-chip experiment. The original dataset is available at http://research.dfci.harvard.edu/brownlab/datasets/index.php (ER sites from the Bed file '1E-5.bed'). \describe{ \item{Carroll2006$exp}{data.frame with log2 gene expression dataset.} \item{Carroll2006$tgs}{data.frame with microarray details (e.g. targets for limma analysis).} \item{Carroll2006$ids}{data.frame with gene ids used in RedeR case study.} \item{Carroll2006$bdsites}{data.frame with ER binding sites mapped to genome build GRCh37.} \item{hs.inter}{Human interactome extracted from the Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD) in April 2011 ('name' attribute is mapped to ENTREZ ID).} \item{ER.limma}{data-frame containing pre-processed results from limma analysis and ER binding sites mapped to differentially expressed (DE) genes. Content: annotation (ENTREZ and Symbol), time-course fold change (logFC.t3, logFC.t6, logFC.t12), p values (p.value.t3, p.value.t6, p.value.t12), DE genes (degenes.t3, degenes.t6, degenes.t12) and distance of the closest ER bd site to the TSS -- in kb (ERbdist). } \item{ER.deg$dat}{Summary from ER.limma data object with extracted data for differentially expressed genes only. } \item{ER.deg$exp}{Data matrix with log2 gene expression values of DE genes. } \item{ER.deg$ceg}{Co-expression gene network of early ER-responsive genes computed by the function cea \code{\link[RedeR:cea]{cea}}.} } } \references{ Carroll JS et al., Genome-wide analysis of estrogen receptor binding sites. Nat Genet. 38(11):1289-97, 2006. } \examples{ data(Carroll2006) data(hs.inter) data(ER.limma) data(ER.deg) } \keyword{dataset}