\name{RedeR-package} \alias{RedeR-package} \alias{RedeR} \docType{package} \title{ RedeR: bridging the gap between network analysis and visualization. } \description{ RedeR is an R-based package combined with a stand-alone Java application for dynamic network visualization and manipulation. It implements a callback engine by using a low-level R-to-Java interface to build and run common plugins. In this sense, RedeR takes advantage of R to run robust statistics, while the R-to-Java interface bridges the gap between network analysis and visualization: for R Developers, it allows the development of Java plug-ins exclusively using R codes; for Java Users, it runs R methods implemented in a stand-alone application, and for R Users RedeR interactively displays R graphs using a robust Java graphic engine embedded in this package. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab RedeR \cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0.1\cr Date: \tab 2011-05-01\cr License: \tab GPL \cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } } \seealso{ \code{\link[RedeR:RedPort-class]{RedPort-class}} } \author{ Mauro Castro } \references{ Castro, M. A. A. et al. \emph{RedeR: bridging the gap between network analysis and visualization}. Journal Paper (in preparation), 2011. } \keyword{ package }