\name{QualFreqPlot} \alias{QualFreqPlot} \title{Plot frequency distributions of quality scores.} \description{ Plots the relative frequency distribution of quality scores before and after recalibration. } \usage{ QualFreqPlot(QualFreqBefore, QualFreqAfter, before_col = "blue", after_col = "red", inc_legend = TRUE, xlabel = "Quality Score", ylabel = "Relative Frequency", main_title = "Frequency Distributions of Quality Scores") } \arguments{ \item{QualFreqBefore}{vector of relative frequencies of quality scores before recalibration. The first element in the vector corresponds to a quality score of zero.} \item{QualFreqAfter}{vector of relative frequencies of quality scores after recalibration. The first element in the vector corresponds to a quality score of zero.} \item{before_col}{color of line plotting the frequency before recalibration. Default = "blue".} \item{after_col}{color of line plotting the frequency after recalibration. Default = "red".} \item{inc_legend}{option for including a legend. Default = TRUE.} \item{xlabel}{x-axis label. Default = "Quality Score".} \item{ylabel}{y-axis label. Default = "Relative Frequency".} \item{main_title}{title. Default = "Frequency Distributions of Quality Scores".} } \details{ QualFreqPlot plots the relative frequency distribution of quality scores before and after recalibration. If the input vectors are $QualFreqBefore and $QualFreqAfter from ReQON output, this function will create the top right diagnostic plot that is output from ReQON. For more details and interpretation, see the vignette by: browseVignettes("ReQON"). } \author{Christopher Cabanski \email{cabanski@email.unc.edu}} \examples{ ## Create data of frequencies require( stats ) before <- dpois( c( 0:40 ), 40 ) before <- before / sum( before ) after <- dnorm( c( 0:40 ), mean = 30, sd = 8 ) after <- after / sum( after ) ## plot QualFreqPlot( before, after ) }