\name{getAmigoTree} \alias{getAmigoTree} \title{ Getting the DAG GO tree for a set of GO ID's. } \description{ Getting the DAG GO tree for a set of GO ID's from AmiGO. Saves it as a png, svg or dot file. Returns the webserver response as a string. } \usage{ getAmigoTree(goIDs, color, filename, picType = "png", modeType = "advanced", webserver, saveResult=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{goIDs}{ is a vector of GO ID's. } \item{color}{ is a vector of colors(). Either of length 1 or length(goIDs). } \item{filename}{ is the output filename. If the file ending is missing or not matching the picType, the file ending is automatically fixed (replaced or created). } \item{picType}{ supports "png","svg" and "dot". default is "png". } \item{modeType}{ is the AmiGO query mode, only "advanced" supported. } \item{webserver}{ is by default the AmiGO webserver. You can specify another one. } \item{saveResult}{ saving the results as a png, svg or dot file. Default is TRUE. } } \details{ The edge colors in the tree represent the relationship between two nodes. In particular: green=positively regulates, red=negatively regulates, black=regulates, blue=is a, light blue=part of. The tree represents the set of input GO ID's and all parents of those GO ID's. } \value{ \item{res}{ string with the webserver response. } } \author{ Markus Schroeder } \examples{ ## set GO ID's and color goIDs <- c("GO:0051130","GO:0019912","GO:0005783") color <- c("lightblue","red","yellow") ## get results pp <- getAmigoTree(goIDs=goIDs,color=color, filename="example") ss <- getAmigoTree(goIDs=goIDs,color=color, filename="example",picType="svg",saveResult=FALSE) dd <- getAmigoTree(goIDs=goIDs,color=color, filename="example",picType="dot",saveResult=FALSE) ppNoColor <- getAmigoTree(goIDs=goIDs, filename="example-no-color",saveResult=FALSE) }