\name{gseResultsSep} %\Rdversion{1.1} \alias{gseResultsSep} \docType{data} \title{ A list of separated gene set enrichment p-values to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package } \description{ A \code{list} containing distinct named \code{numeric} vectors corresponding to the gene set enrichment p-value separately computed with \code{\link{runBatchGSE}} for each distinct data set. Note that for each data set there are two set of p-values, one for GO and one for KEGG. These separate p-values can be combined across data sets by the \code{\link{combineGSE}} function. Can be used as input to \code{\link{adjustPvalGSE}}. } \usage{ data(gseResultsSep) } \format{ This object is a \code{list} of length four: \code{"dat.affy"}{: a \code{list} of legnth two: \code{"go"} is a \code{numeric} vector of length 5, containing the p-values resulting from gene set enrichment analysis of 5 GO terms on Affymetrix gene expression data; \code{"keg"} is a \code{numeric} vector of length 5, containing the p-values resulting from gene set enrichment analysis of 5 KEGG pathways on Affymetrix gene expression data;} \code{"dat.agilent"}{: a \code{list} of legnth two: \code{"go"} is a \code{numeric} vector of length 5, containing the p-values resulting from gene set enrichment analysis of 5 GO terms on Agilent gene expression data; \code{"keg"} is a \code{numeric} vector of length 5, containing the p-values resulting from gene set enrichment analysis of 5 KEGG pathways on Agilent gene expression data;} \code{"dat.cnvHarvard"}{: a \code{list} of legnth two: \code{"go"} is a \code{numeric} vector of length 5, containing the p-values resulting from gene set enrichment analysis of 5 GO terms on Harvard CNV data; \code{"keg"} is a \code{numeric} vector of length 5, containing the p-values resulting from gene set enrichment analysis of 5 KEGG pathways on Harvard CNV data;} \code{"dat.cnvMskcc"}{: a \code{list} of legnth two: \code{"go"} is a \code{numeric} vector of length 5, containing the p-values resulting from gene set enrichment analysis of 5 GO terms on MSKCC CNV data; \code{"keg"} is a \code{numeric} vector of length 5, containing the p-values resulting from gene set enrichment analysis of 5 KEGG pathways on MSKCC CNV data;} } \source{ Computed using the \code{\link{runBatchGSE}} function from the TCGA data contained in \code{\link{sepScores}} and \code{\link{fgsList}}. } \examples{ data(gseResultsSep) class(gseResultsSep) names(gseResultsSep) str(gseResultsSep) } \keyword{datasets}