\name{fgsList} %\Rdversion{1.1} \alias{fgsList} \docType{data} \title{ A list of Functional Gene Set (FGS) to be used to run the examples in the RTopper package } \description{ A \code{list} containing distinct types of FGS (i.e. Gene Ontology, KEGG pathways). Each FGS is type is a \code{list} of named \code{chararacter} vectors, one for each FGS, containing the gene identifiers. Vectors names describe the FGS. Can be used as input to \code{\link{runBatchGSE}}. } \usage{ data(fgsList) } \format{ This object is a \code{list} of length two: \code{"go"}{: this is a \code{list} of 5 \code{character} vectors, corresponding to 5 distinct Gene Ontology (GO) terms. Genes annotated to each GO term are identified by their gene symbol;} \code{"kegg"}{: this is a \code{list} of 5 \code{character} vectors, corresponding to 5 distinct KEGG pathways. Genes annotated to each KEGG pathway are identified by their gene symbol;} } \source{ The FGS were obtained from the \code{org.Hs.eg.db} pakage, (use the \code{\link[org.Hs.eg.db]{org.Hs.eg}} function to see the content); These FGS were annotated using data from \code{GO.db} and \code{KEGG.db} packages (use the \code{\link[GO.db]{GO}} and \code{\link[KEGG.db]{KEGG}} functions to see the content). } \examples{ data(fgsList) class(fgsList) names(fgsList) str(fgsList) } \keyword{datasets}