\name{computeDrStat} \alias{computeDrStat} \title{Computes gene-to-phenotype associations scores} \description{ \code{computeDrStat} Computes gene-to-phenotype associations scores, using as input the output from \code{convertToDr}. } \usage{ computeDrStat(data, columns = c(1:(ncol(data)-1)), method = "dev", integrate = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{a list of data.frames containing genomic measurements. Each element of \code{dataIntersection} must account for the same set of patients(columns) and genes (rows)} \item{columns}{a data.frame indicating patients' phenotypic class} \item{method}{character, the number of genomic platforms} \item{integrate}{logical, wheter to integrate the gene-to-phenotype scores across platform or return separates scores for each platform} } \details{ This function allows computing gene-to-phenotype association scores, using as input the gene-centered list produced by \code{computeDr}. The \code{computeDrStat} function works separately on each gene-centered data.frame created by the \code{convertToDr} function, assuming that the phenotype information is stored in the last column named \code{"response"}. It is possible computing both separate association scores for each platform, as well as an integrated score, as specified by the \code{integrate} arguments. There are currently three methods available for obtaining the scores (see Tyekucheva et al, manuscript under review), as specified by the \code{methods} argument: \code{"dev"}{: this approach computes the score as the difference of deviances;} \code{"aic"}{: this approach computes the score as the Akaike information criterion for model selection;} \code{"bic"}{: this approach computes the score as the penalized likelihood ratio;} } \value{ A list of named vectors containing separate or integrared gene-to-phenotype association scores. } \references{ Svitlana Tyekucheva, Luigi Marchionni, Rachel Karchin, and Giovanni Parmigiani. "Integrating diverse genomic data using gene sets." Manuscript submitted. } \author{ Luigi Marchionni \email{marchion@jhu.edu} } %\note{ ~~further notes~~ % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %} %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ ###load data data(exampleData) ###convert dataDr <- convertToDr(dat, pheno, 4) ###compute the integrated score bicStatIntegrated <- computeDrStat(dataDr, columns = c(1:4), method="bic", integrate = TRUE) ###compute separate scores for each genomic platform bicStatSeparate <- computeDrStat(dataDr, columns = c(1:4), method="bic", integrate = FALSE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{manip}