\name{plotGridEffect} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{plotGridEffect} \title{ PLOT GRID EFFECT OF RTCA } \description{ Plot the mean and deviation of rows/columns of a RTCA \emph{E-plate}, to provide hints of potential row/column effect of the plate } \usage{ plotGridEffect(rtca, mode = c("column", "row"), xlab = "time point", ylab = "readout", legend = TRUE, col, ...) } \arguments{ \item{rtca}{An object of \code{\linkS4class{RTCA}}} \item{mode}{character, either \dQuote{column} or \dQuote{row}, to choose which effect to depict} \item{xlab}{x-axis label} \item{ylab}{y-axis label} \item{legend}{logical, whether the legend should be added} \item{col}{Color of the curves} \item{\dots}{Further parameters passed to \code{\link{plot}} function} } \details{ The error bars depicts the standard deviations } \value{ \code{NULL}, the funciton is called for its side effect } \author{Jitao David Zhang} \examples{ require(RTCA) ofile <- system.file("extdata/testOutput.csv", package="RTCA") x <- parseRTCA(ofile) plotGridEffect(x) } \keyword{ hplot }