\name{parseRTCA} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{parseRTCA} \title{ PARSE RTCA OUTPUT FILE } \description{ The function parses RTCA output file into \code{RTCA} object } \usage{ parseRTCA(file, dec = ".", phenoData, maskWell, ...) } \arguments{ \item{file}{character, name of the RTCA output file} \item{dec}{decimal sign of the file} \item{phenoData}{phenoData} \item{maskWell}{character, either names or regular expression pattern(s) for well(s) to mask} \item{\dots}{other parameters passed to \code{\link{read.table}}} } \details{ A csv-like format file can be exported from the RTCA device, which can be fed into this function to set up an instance of \code{\linkS4class{RTCA}} object. In the \emph{/extdata/} directory of the package, such a file is provided as an example. The first line contains the experiment ID, which is followed by a matrix of recorded data in the tabular form. The first and second column records the time-interval in the unit of hour and hour-minute-second format respectively. The rest columns then record the read-out (\sQuote{Cell-Index}, or \sQuote{CI}) of the device, with each well a role. \code{phenoData} allows user to annotate the wells.Its usage mimicks the \code{ExpressionSet} object in the \code{Biobase} package. \code{maskWell} allows to mask wells in case, for example, they are known to be contaminated. The values can be either a vector of well names, or a regular expression pattern for wells to be masked. To learn regular expression patterns see \code{\link{grep}}. } \value{ An object of \code{RTCA-class} } \references{ \url{http://www.roche-applied-science.com/proddata/gpip/3_8_9_1_1_1.html} } \author{ Jitao David Zhang \email{jitao_david.zhang@roche.com} } \examples{ require(RTCA) ofile <- system.file("extdata/testOutput.csv", package="RTCA") pfile <- system.file("extdata/testOutputPhenoData.csv", package="RTCA") pData <- read.csv(pfile, sep="\t", row.names="Well") metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription=c( "Rack number", "siRNA catalogue number", "siRNA gene symbol", "siRNA EntrezGene ID", "siRNA targeting accession" )) phData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=pData, varMetadata=metaData) x <- parseRTCA(ofile, phenoData=phData) print(x) ## mask wells, e.g. due to unusual values x.skip <- parseRTCA(ofile, phenoData=phData, maskWell=c("D09")) x.skip.multiWells <- parseRTCA(ofile, phenoData=phData, maskWell=c("A01", "B01", "C02")) ## skip the last row x.skip.pattern <- parseRTCA(ofile, phenoData=phData, maskWell=c("H[0-9]{2}")) ## check the number of masked wells noMasked <- function(x) sum(apply(x, 2, function(x) all(is.na(x)))) noMasked(exprs(x)) noMasked(exprs(x.skip)) noMasked(exprs(x.skip.multiWells)) noMasked(exprs(x.skip.pattern)) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ file }