\name{alphaNames} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{alphaNames} \alias{repairAlphaName} \alias{alphaNames2Pos} \alias{rowcol2pos} \title{ Auxilliary functions for experiments with microtitre plates } \description{ Functions to manipulate indices or names of microtitre plates } \usage{ alphaNames(row = 8, column = 12, order=c("column","row")) repairAlphaName(x) alphaNames2Pos(x) rowcol2pos(row = 1, column=1, plateFormat=c("96","384")) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{row}{integer, row index, 1,\ldots,8 for 96-well plates} \item{column}{integer, column index, 1,\ldots,12 for 96-well plates} \item{x}{character, Well alpha name, in the form of [A-Z][0-9][0-9], like 'A01'} \item{order}{character, should the alpha names returned in a row-first or column-first order?} \item{plateFormat}{integer, the microtitre format, either 96 or 384} } \details{ \code{alphaNames} returns so-called \emph{alpha well names} in the form of [A-H][0-9][0-9] (i.e., A01, C03, D11, H12) for microtitre plates. The order of returned alphaNames is controlled by the option \code{order}, which can be set either as \code{col} or \code{row} \code{repairAlphaName} attempts to fix incomplete alpha well names. Now it is mainly used to fix well names missing the leading 0 of numeric index, like A1. \code{alphaName2Pos} returns the row and column number of the given alpha well name, in the form of two-column data frame with \emph{row} and \emph{col} as colnames. \code{rowcol2pos} returns the row-wise position index of given row and column index. } \value{ See details } \author{ Jitao David Zhang \email{jitao_david.zhang@roche.com} } \examples{ wells <- alphaNames() repairAlphaName("A1") alphaNames2Pos(c("A01","B02","C03","H12")) rowcol2pos(3,1) }