\name{plotHeatmap} \alias{plotHeatmap} \title{ plots a heatmap for an interaction screen. } \description{ A heatmap of an interaction screen is plotted. } \usage{ plotHeatmap(sgi, screen, channel, pi.max = NULL, main = expression(paste(pi, "-score")), hc.row = NULL, hc.col = NULL, withoutgroups = c("neg", "pos")) } \arguments{ \item{sgi}{An object of class \code{\link{RNAinteract}}} \item{screen}{The screen name of which the interaction matrix is plotted.} \item{channel}{The channel name of which the interaction matrix is plotted.} \item{pi.max}{The pairwise interaction score that is represented at the top of the color scale. All interaction scores above this value can not be distinguished any more.} \item{main}{The title of the plot.} \item{hc.row}{A hierarchical clustering (hclust) for the rows.} \item{hc.col}{A hierarchical clustering (hclust) for the columns.} \item{withoutgroups}{The genes within this group are not shown in the heatmap. It is convinient to hide screen controls in the heatmap.} } \details{ A heatmap for one screen and one channel is plotted. Positive interactions are marked blue, negative ones are marked yellow. A colorbar is shown on the left hand side. } \value{Returns a grob.} \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}} } \examples{ data("sgi") plotHeatmap(sgi, screen="1", channel="nrCells") } \keyword{ hplot }