\name{plotDoublePerturbation} \alias{plotDoublePerturbation} \title{ Double Perturbation Plot } \description{ These function draws a double perturbation plot for interaction screens. All interactions of one gene are displayed in one panel. The double perturbation readout level is plotted against the single perturbation level. } \usage{ plotDoublePerturbation( sgi, screen, channel, target, withoutgroups = c("neg", "pos"), design, main, xlab, ylab, range, show.labels = "none", label.par, label, avoid.overlap, col, fill, D , MT, MQ, PV, QV, PI, ...) } \arguments{ \item{sgi}{ An object of class \code{RNAinteract}. } \item{target}{ A character name of the target gene. } \item{screen}{ The character name of the screen to display. If not specified, the first screen is used. Does not have to be specified, if \code{sgi} contains only one screen. } \item{channel}{ The character name of the channel to display. If not specified, the first channel is used. Does not have to be specified, if \code{sgi} contains only one channel. } \item{withoutgroups}{ Interactions to genes from these groups (as specified in the reagent or target annotation) are excluded from the plot, e.g. positive and negative controls. } \item{design}{ The Either \code{"template"} (default) or \code{"query"}. The single perturbation effects are either the template main effects or the query main effects. } \item{main}{An overall title of the plot.} \item{xlab}{A title of the x-axis.} \item{ylab}{A title of the y-axis.} \item{range}{A numeric vector of length two. range equals the \code{xlim}, \code{ylim} argument in \link{plot}.} \item{show.labels}{Automatically select text labels for the points. \code{'all'} shows a text label for all genes, \code{"q.value"} and \code{"p.value"} show a text label for all genes with a q.value (p.value) larger than \code{label.par}, \code{"none"} does not show any text label. This argument has no effect, if \code{label} is specified.} \item{label.par}{ Cut-off value for q.value or p.value for displaying text labels (See \code{show.labels}). } \item{label}{ Either a character vector with gene names, or a named vector of text labels. The names of the vector represent the gene names. } \item{avoid.overlap}{If \code{TRUE} (default), text is moved such that text labels are not overlapping.} \item{col}{ A named vector with colors. The names of \code{col} define which points are colored (See also \code{fill}). } \item{fill}{ A list up to four values. \code{colors} defines a set of colors from which a colorramp is created. If \code{colramp} is specified, colors has no effect. \code{colramp} directly specifies the colorramp. \code{values} define the values that are color coded. If \code{values} is not specified, the pairwise interaction term is used instead. \code{at} is a numeric vector defining the breakpoints along the values. If not specified, breakpoints are selected to range three times the standard deviation of the values around zero. \code{fill} has no effect, if \code{col} is specified. } \item{D,MT,MQ,PV,QV,PI}{Internal usage.} \item{\dots}{Further argument passed to \code{\link{grid.doublePerturbation}} or \code{\link{doublePerturbationGrob}}.} } \details{ Plots a double perturbation plot. It shows the interaction profile for one (query) gene. } \value{ A grob is returned. } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}}, \code{\link{grid.doublePerturbation}}, \code{\link{reportDoublePerturbation}} } \examples{ data("sgi") plotDoublePerturbation( sgi, screen="1", channel="nrCells", target="rl", show.labels="p.value") } \keyword{ hplot }