\name{grid.doublePerturbation} \alias{grid.doublePerturbation} \alias{doublePerturbationGrob} \alias{postDrawDetails.doublePerturbation} \title{ Double Perturbation Plot Grob } \description{ These functions create a double perturbation grob for interaction screens. All interactions of one gene are displayed in one panel. The double perturbation readout level is plotted against the single perturbation level. } \usage{ doublePerturbationGrob( mainEffect, dpEffect, mainEffectTarget, range=NULL, main=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, text=NULL, avoid.overlap=TRUE, axisOnOrigin = FALSE, drawBox = TRUE, pch = 21, size=unit(1, "char"), fill = NULL, gpMain = gpar(lty="dashed", lwd=3, col="cyan"), gpNI = gpar(lty="dashed", lwd=3, col="orange"), gpPoints = gpar(pch=21), gpText = NULL, gpAxis = NULL, gpWTLines=NULL, name=NULL, gp=NULL, vp=NULL ) grid.doublePerturbation(..., draw = TRUE) # a helper function for doublePerturbationGrob: postDrawDetails.doublePerturbation(x, recording) } \arguments{ \item{mainEffect}{ A numeric vector of main effects. } \item{dpEffect}{ A numeric vector of double perturbation effects. } \item{mainEffectTarget}{ The main effect of the target gene (A single numeric value). } \item{range}{ The range of the plot. Equals the \code{xlim}, \code{ylim} arguments of \code{\link{plot}}. } \item{main}{An overall title of the plot.} \item{xlab}{A title of the x-axis.} \item{ylab}{A title of the y-axis.} \item{text}{A character vector of text. Has to have the same length as \code{mainEffect}.} \item{avoid.overlap}{If \code{TRUE} (default) the text labels are moved such that the text is not overlapping.} \item{axisOnOrigin}{If \code{TRUE}, the x- and y-axis are draw on the origin of the data. If \code{FALSE} (default), the axis are drawn on the left and on the bottom.} \item{drawBox}{If \code{TRUE} (default), a box is drawn around the plot.} \item{pch}{Either an integer specifying a symbol or a single character to be used in plotting points. See \code{\link{points}} for possible values.} \item{size}{A unit object specifying the size of the plotting symbols.} \item{fill}{ A list containing (some of) the following elements: \code{col} defines a fill color for the points. Either a single value or a vector of the same length as \code{mainEffect}. If \code{col} is defined, all other elements of fill have no effect. \code{values} is a numeric vector of the same length as \code{mainEffcet} that contains values that are mapped to colors. \code{at} is a numeric vector indicating breakpoints along the values. If not specified will be equally spaced on the range of the values. \code{colors} defines a set of colors from which a colorramp is created. \code{colramp} defines a colorramp directly. \code{colramp} has no effect, if \code{colors} is defined. } \item{gp}{ An object of class \code{gpar}, typically the output from a call to the function \code{\link{gpar}}. This is basically a list of graphical parameter settings. Overall settings for the plot are set in \code{gp}. } \item{gpMain,gpNI}{An object of class \code{gpar} (See \code{gp}). \code{gpMain} and \code{gpNI} indicate the graphics parameter for the main effect lines and the non-interacting line. } \item{gpPoints,gpText,gpAxis,gpWTLines}{An object of class \code{gpar} (See \code{gp}). These arguments define graphical parameters for single compartments of the plot. } \item{name}{A character identifier.} \item{vp}{A Grid viewport object (or NULL).} \item{draw}{If \code{TRUE} the grob is drawn on the current device.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments passed to \code{\link{doublePerturbationGrob}}.} \item{x, recording}{Internal usage only.} } \details{ This function creates a grob for a double perturbation plot. It is probably more convenient to use the function \code{\link{plotDoublePerturbation}}. } \value{ A grob is returned. } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}}, \code{\link{plotDoublePerturbation}}, \code{\link{reportDoublePerturbation}} } \keyword{ hplot }