\name{getMain} \alias{getMain} \alias{getMainNeg} \title{ get main effects } \description{ Returns the main effects. } \usage{ getMain(sgi, type = "main", design = "template", summary = "none", QueryNr = NULL, TemplatePlate = NULL, do.inv.trafo = FALSE, format = "plain", withoutgroups = c(), screen = NULL, channel = NULL, normalized = TRUE, drop = TRUE) getMainNeg(sgi, type = "all", do.inv.trafo = FALSE, screen = NULL, channel = NULL, drop = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{sgi}{An object of class \code{\link{RNAinteract}}} \item{type}{always "main"} \item{design}{Either "template" or "query" defining if template or query main effects are returned.} \item{summary}{If summary is "targets" the main effects are summarized per target gene.} \item{QueryNr,TemplatePlate}{Onle main effects of one query nr or one template plate are returned. } \item{format}{targetmatrix} \item{withoutgroups}{The genes within this group are not shown in the heatmap. It is convenient to hide screen controls.} \item{do.inv.trafo}{If TRUE, the data will be back-transformed for original scale of data. In the case of log-transformed data, the main effects are returned as factors, otherwise the main effects are returned as log values.} \item{screen}{The screen from which the main effects should be returned.} \item{channel}{The channel from which the main effects should be returned.} \item{drop}{Does return a drop array dimensions, even if only one screen or one channel is selected.} \item{normalized}{If true the normalized main effects are returned.} } \value{ An array containing the main effects. } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}} } \examples{ data("sgi") getMain(sgi) getMainNeg(sgi) } \keyword{ attribute }