\name{getData} \alias{getData} \title{ Primary access function for all screen data. } \description{ This function is the primary access function for a wide range of data from the screen. It does perform normalization, transformation, and reshaping if specified. } \usage{ getData(sgi, type = "data", format = "plain", design = "template", mixTemplateQuery = TRUE, screen = NULL, channel = NULL, do.trafo = TRUE, do.inv.trafo = FALSE, normalized = FALSE, withoutgroups = c(), drop = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{sgi}{An object of class \code{\link{RNAinteract}}} \item{type}{Specifies which data is returned. Possible values are: \itemize{ \item "p.value", "q.value": returns the p-value or q-value as computed by \code{\link{computePValues}}. \item "data": returns the input data. \item "pi": returns the pairwise interaction score. \item "plateeffect": returns the plate effect estimated by \code{\link{normalizePlateEffect}}. \item "ni.model" returns the non-interacting model as estimated by \code{\link{estimateMainEffect}}. \item "main": returns the main effects. \item "mainsderr": returns the std error of the main effects. \item "mainsd": returns the std deviation of the main effects. \item "maintime": returns the estimated time effect as estimated by \code{\link{normalizeMainEffectQuery}} \item "mainspatial": returns the estimated spatial effect as estimated by \code{\link{normalizePlateEffect}} } } \item{format}{The output format. Possible values: \itemize{ \item "plain": The data can be returned as a plain vector \item "platelist": a list of plate matrices that can be passed to \code{\link{plotScreen}} \item "reagentMatrix": All values for the same reagent pair are summarized in a matrix of dimension reagents x reagents \item "targetMatrix": All values for the same gene pair are summarized in a matrix of dimension genes x genes }} \item{design}{If type is one of the main effect types, the design can be specified to state if the "template" or "query" main effect is returned. } \item{mixTemplateQuery}{If TRUE, The template-query and query-template entries in the matrix are symmetrized.} \item{screen}{The screen names of which data should be returned.} \item{channel}{The channel names of which data should be returned.} \item{do.trafo}{Only effective, if type is "data". If TRUE, the data is transformed.} \item{do.inv.trafo}{Not effective if type is "data", "p.value", or "q.value". If TRUE, the values are back-transformed to the original scale.} \item{normalized}{If TRUE, the normalization data is returned.} \item{withoutgroups}{The genes from the specified groups are not returned in the data.} \item{drop}{If FALSE, the returned array is reduced in dimensions, whenever there is a dimension 1.} } \value{ An array containing the specified values is returned. In the case, the format is chosen to be "platelist", a list of matrices is returned. } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}} } \examples{ data("sgi") # get the original data, as plain file, reshaped in plate layout, # reshaped and summarized as target matrix D <- getData(sgi, type="data", do.inv.trafo = TRUE) Dplatelayout <- getData(sgi, type="data", format="platelist", do.inv.trafo = TRUE) splots::plotScreen(Dplatelayout[["1"]][["nrCells"]], nx=sgi@pdim[2], ny=sgi@pdim[1], ncol=3) Dmatrix <- getData(sgi, type="data", format="targetMatrix", do.inv.trafo = TRUE) # get main effects as plate layout with specified transformation # (usually log-transformed) Mplatelayout <- getData(sgi, type="main", design="template", screen="1", channel="nrCells", format="platelist") splots::plotScreen(Mplatelayout, nx=sgi@pdim[2], ny=sgi@pdim[1], ncol=3) # get non-interacting model and pairwise interaction scores as matrix NImatrix <- getData(sgi, type="ni.model", format="targetMatrix") PImatrix <- getData(sgi, type="pi", format="targetMatrix") PIplatelayout <- getData(sgi, type="main", design="query", screen="1", channel="nrCells", format="platelist") splots::plotScreen(PIplatelayout, nx=sgi@pdim[2], ny=sgi@pdim[1], ncol=3) # get p-values and q-values PVmatrix <- getData(sgi, type="p.value", format="targetMatrix") QVmatrix <- getData(sgi, type="q.value", format="targetMatrix") } \keyword{ attribute }