\name{createRNAinteractFromFiles} \alias{createRNAinteractFromFiles} \title{ create an RNAinteract object from text files } \description{ Reads text files with annotation, query and template design, and data. Creates a RNAinteract object. } \usage{ createRNAinteractFromFiles(name = "anonymous", filePlatelist = "Platelist.txt", fileReagents = "Reagents.txt", fileTargets = "Targets.txt", fileTemplateDesign = "TemplateDesign.txt", fileQueryDesign = "QueryDesign.txt", path = ".", pdim = NULL, Transformation = "log2") } \arguments{ \item{name}{A name for the screen.} \item{filePlatelist}{The filename of the text file containing the plate list.} \item{fileReagents}{The filename of the text file containing the reagent annotation.} \item{fileTargets}{The filename of the text file containing the target annotation.} \item{fileTemplateDesign}{The filename of the text file containing the template design.} \item{fileQueryDesign}{The filename of the text file containing the query design.} \item{path}{The system directory were the textfiles \code{filePlatelist}, \code{fileReagents}, \code{fileTargets}, \code{fileTemplateDesign}, and \code{fileQueryDesign} are located.} \item{pdim}{The dimensions of the multi-well plates (e.g. \code{pdim = c(nrow=24,ncol=16)}). if \code{pdim =NULL} (default), the plate dimension will be estimated from the input data.} \item{Transformation}{The transformation that is applied to the data. All calculations are done on additive scale.} } \details{ See vignette("RNAinteract") for an example how to create an RNAinteract object. } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{RNAinteract}}. } \references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}}, \code{\link{createRNAinteract}}, \code{\link{createCellHTSFromFiles}} } \keyword{ manip }