\name{createRNAinteract} \alias{createRNAinteract} \title{ create a RNAinteract object } \description{ Creates a RNAinteract object given data matrices, annotation, query and template design. } \usage{ createRNAinteract(data, well, plate, pdim, Reagents, Targets, TemplateDesign, QueryDesign, Transformation = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{data}{An array with dimensions features x screens x channels.} \item{well}{A vector of length #features with well names.} \item{plate}{A vector of length #features with plate numbers.} \item{pdim}{A vector of length 2 with plate dimensions (e.g. pdim=c(12,8)).} \item{Reagents}{A data.frame describing the reagents.} \item{Targets}{A data.frame describing the targets.} \item{TemplateDesign}{A data.frame with the layout of the template plates.} \item{QueryDesign}{A data.frame with the layout of the query plates.} \item{Transformation}{A Transformation that is applied to the data. If NULL the data is log2 transformed.} } \details{ See vignette("RNAinteract") for an example how to create an RNAinteract object. } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{RNAinteract}}. } \references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}}, \code{\link{createRNAinteractFromFiles}}, \code{\link{createCellHTSFromFiles}} } \keyword{ manip }