\name{RNAinteract-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{RNAinteract-class} \alias{show,RNAinteract-method} \title{Class "RNAinteract"} \description{ A class for double perturbation experiments (genetic interaction screens, drug-drug interaction screens). There are functions for creation, analysis, and display of interaction screens. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of \code{\link{createRNAinteractFromFiles}}. See vignette("RNAinteract") for an example of creating an \code{RNAinteract} object. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{data}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@F x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The raw data of the screen. } \item{\code{screenNames}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} with length \code{sgi@S}. } \item{\code{channelNames}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} with length \code{sgi@C}.} \item{\code{well}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} with length \code{sgi@F}. Well name (e.g. F04) for each measurement.} \item{\code{plate}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} with length \code{sgi@F}. Number of the plate for each measurement} \item{\code{pdim}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of length 2. Plate dimensions.} \item{\code{NT}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of length 1. Number of template reagents.} \item{\code{NQ}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of length 1. Number of query reagents.} \item{\code{C}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of length 1. Number of readout channels.} \item{\code{S}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of length 1. Number of screens.} \item{\code{F}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} of length 1. Number of measurements or single experiments per screen.} \item{\code{reagents}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} describing each reagents. Obligatory columns: \code{RID} and \code{TID}.} \item{\code{targets}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} describing each target gene. Obligatory columns: \code{TID}, \code{Symbol}, \code{group}, \code{GID}.} \item{\code{templateDesign}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} with \code{sgi@NT} rows describing the template design. Obligatory columns: \code{TemplatePlate}, \code{Well}, \code{RID}, \code{QueryNr}. } \item{\code{queryDesign}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} with \code{sgi@NQ} rows describing the query design. Obligatory columns: \code{Plate}, \code{TemplatePlate}, \code{QueryNr}, \code{RID}. } \item{\code{transformation}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} of length \code{sgi@C}. The transformation applied to the input data. } \item{\code{mainTemplate}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NT x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The main effect of the template reagents.} \item{\code{mainQuery}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NQ x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The main effect of the query reagents.} \item{\code{mainSderrTemplate}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NT x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The standard error of the main effect of the template reagents.} \item{\code{mainSderrQuery}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NQ x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The standard error of the main effect of the query reagents.} \item{\code{mainSdTemplate}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NQ x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The standard deviation of the main effect of the query reagents.} \item{\code{mainSdQuery}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NQ x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The standard deviation of the main effect of the query reagents.} \item{\code{mainTimeEffect}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NQ x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The systematic changes of the query main effects, e.g. decreasing cell number over time.} \item{\code{mainSpatialEffect}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@F x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The systematic spatial plate effects.} \item{\code{mainSpatialEffectRow}:}{Object of class \code{"array"}. Spatial effects per row (as computed by Bscore).} \item{\code{mainSpatialEffectCol}:}{Object of class \code{"array"}. Spatial effects per column (as computed by Bscore).} \item{\code{mainNeg}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@S x sgi@C}. The main effect of the negative control.} \item{\code{mainNegTemplate}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@S x sgi@C}. The template main effect of the negative control.} \item{\code{mainNegQuery}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@S x sgi@C}. The query main effect of the negative control.} \item{\code{data2mainTemplate}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} with dimension \code{sgi@F}. Mapping of single experiments to template reagents.} \item{\code{data2mainQuery}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} with dimension \code{sgi@F}. Mapping of single experiments to query reagents.} \item{\code{ni.model}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@F x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The expected values of the non-interacting model.} \item{\code{pi}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@F x sgi@S x sgi@C}. The pairwise interaction score.} \item{\code{plateeffect}:}{Object of class \code{"array"}.} \item{\code{p.value}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NT x sgi@NQ x sgi@S x sgi@C} describing the p.values.} \item{\code{q.value}:}{Object of class \code{"array"} with dimension \code{sgi@NT x sgi@NQ x sgi@S x sgi@C} describing the q.values.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "RNAinteract")}: ... } } } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}} } \examples{ showClass("RNAinteract") } \keyword{classes}