\name{rmapperFactorTable} \alias{rmapperFactorTable} \title{MAPPER Factor Table} \description{Function to display a table listing the transcription factor/s known to MAPPER with the corresponding model accession numbers.} \usage{ rmapperFactorTable(tf) } \arguments{ \item{tf}{ tf -- a specific transcription factor, i.e. "AbaA" or "*" for all transcription factors} } \references{ \url{http://genome.ufl.edu/mapper/} } \examples{ # Display all transcription factors and their model accession numbers rmapperFactorTable("*") # Display a specific transcription factor and its model accession numbers rmapperFactorTable("AbaA") # Display transcription factors "Ab..." and their model accession numbers rmapperFactorTable("Ab") } \keyword{documentation}