\name{readMAPPER} \alias{readMAPPER} \title{Retrieve a set of predicted transcription factor binding sites from the MAPPER database} \description{The MAPPER RPC interface allows you to retrieve a set of predicted transcription factor binding sites from the MAPPER database through a simple HTTP request. This package provides a function to retrieve predicted TFBS from R. } \usage{ readMAPPER(stub = paste(urlpath, "db-rpc?", sep = ""), ...) } \arguments{ \item{stub}{ stub -- a string giving the URL handle up to the db-rpc selector (optional)} \item{\dots}{ \dots -- all the query parameters (see Details).} } \details{ Currently (9/10) the RPC interface to MAPPER defines the following parameters. You can use any of these as keywords (with bindings supplied using "=", e.g., \code{gene="CRP"}) to the \code{readMAPPER} function. gene - you can use either NCBI GeneID or mRNA accession number; gene names should work too, but this is not recommended because there often are multiple forms of the same gene. [required, unless 'list' is specified] models - a comma-separated list of model names (to restrict the output to these models only) [required, unless 'list' is specified] score - the score threshold (0 by default) perc - the percentile (one of 50, 80, 85, 90, 95). Only hits with scores above the desired percentile for each model are returned. eval - the E-value threshold (25 by default) pbases - how many basepairs to look at (default: 2000). See pstart. pstart - what pbases is relative to (either T for transcript start or C for coding sequence start - remember that in the db we have hits for the region from 10,000 bp upstream of transcript start to 50bp after coding sequence start) sort - how to sort the results: either M (by model accession), N (factor name), E (by E-value), S (by score), P (by position, the default) org - two letter organism code list - returns a list of all TF names with the corresponding model accession numbers. All other parameters are ignored. If you issue \code{rmapperHelp()}, you will get a help page in text. } \value{ An instance of the mapperHits class. } \references{ \url{http://genome.ufl.edu/mapper/} } \author{Vince Carey } \examples{ # Run an example retrieving data from the MAPPER RPC interface for gene ID = NM_009696 mh = readMAPPER(gene="NM_009696", perc="95", models="M00027") # Display the mapperHits object returned by readMAPPER mh # Display the exact query that was issued to the MAPPER RPC interface query(mh) # Display the details of hits from the query hits(mh) } \seealso{ \code{\link{mapperHits-class} \link{query} \link{hits}} } \keyword{models}