\name{plotCutDistribution} \alias{plotCutDistribution} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ plot cut frequencies of RE sites along a given chromosome } \description{ plot cut frequencies of RE sites along a chromosome, which gives a bird-eye view of genome-wide frequent-cut regions and RE inaccessible regions. } \usage{ plotCutDistribution(assignedSeqs,REmap, chr="chr1",xlim, title="RE cut frequency distribution", xlab="Chromosome Location (bp)",ylab="Frequency", round=TRUE, n.sequence) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{assignedSeqs}{ result returned from assignSeq2REsite } \item{REmap}{ REmap used in assignSeq2REsite and generated from buildREmap } \item{chr}{ chromosome to be plotted } \item{xlim}{ range of x to be plotted } \item{title}{ an overall title for the plot } \item{xlab}{ a title for the x axis } \item{ylab}{ a title for the y axis } \item{round}{ TRUE: the sum of the weight is rounded up if the fraction part is greater than 0.5. FALSE: as it is. } \item{n.sequence}{ total uniquely mapped sequences in the dataset for estimating the expected count for each RE site. If omitted, the expected count for each RE site will be set as 1 as default. } } \author{ Lihua Julie Zhu } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ assignSeq2REsite, distanceHistSeq2RE } \examples{ library(REDseq) data(example.assignedREDseq) data(example.map) plotCutDistribution(example.assignedREDseq,example.map, chr="2", xlim =c(3012000, 3020000)) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ graph }