\name{setNodePosition} \alias{setNodePosition} \alias{setNodePosition,CytoscapeWindowClass-method} \title{setNodePosition} \description{ Set the position of the specified nodes on the CytoscapeWindow canvas. Use this for any hand-crafted layouts, or novel layout algorithms, you wish to use. } \usage{ setNodePosition(obj, node.names, x.coords, y.coords) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeWindowClass} object. } \item{node.names}{a \code{list} of strings, the names of nodes to select. } \item{x.coords}{a \code{list} of floating point numbers, one for each node in the node.names list. } \item{y.coords}{a \code{list} of floating point numbers, one for each node in the node.names list. } } \value{ None. } \author{Paul Shannon} \seealso{ getNodePosition } \examples{ cw <- new.CytoscapeWindow ('setNodePosition.test', graph=makeSimpleGraph()) displayGraph (cw) layoutNetwork(cw) setNodePosition (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (10.0, 20.0, 500), c (0.0, 100.0, 3)) } \keyword{graph}