\name{makeSimpleGraph} \alias{makeSimpleGraph} \title{ makeSimpleGraph } \description{ A 3-node, 3-edge graph, with some biological trappings, useful for demonstrations. } \usage{ makeSimpleGraph() } \value{ Returns a 3-node, 3-edge graph, with some attributes on the nodes and edges. } \author{ Paul Shannon } \examples{ g = makeSimpleGraph () ## The function is currently defined as function () { g = new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed") nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = "type") = "undefined" attr(nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = "type"), "class") = "STRING" nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = "lfc") = 1 attr(nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = "lfc"), "class") = "DOUBLE" nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = "label") = "default node label" attr(nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = "label"), "class") = "STRING" nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = "count") = "0" attr(nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = "count"), "class") = "INTEGER" edgeDataDefaults(g, attr = "edgeType") = "undefined" attr(edgeDataDefaults(g, attr = "edgeType"), "class") = "STRING" edgeDataDefaults(g, attr = "score") = 0 attr(edgeDataDefaults(g, attr = "score"), "class") = "DOUBLE" edgeDataDefaults(g, attr = "misc") = "" attr(edgeDataDefaults(g, attr = "misc"), "class") = "STRING" g = graph::addNode("A", g) g = graph::addNode("B", g) g = graph::addNode("C", g) nodeData(g, "A", "type") = "kinase" nodeData(g, "B", "type") = "transcription factor" nodeData(g, "C", "type") = "glycoprotein" nodeData(g, "A", "lfc") = "-3.0" nodeData(g, "B", "lfc") = "0.0" nodeData(g, "C", "lfc") = "3.0" nodeData(g, "A", "count") = "2" nodeData(g, "B", "count") = "30" nodeData(g, "C", "count") = "100" nodeData(g, "A", "label") = "Gene A" nodeData(g, "B", "label") = "Gene B" nodeData(g, "C", "label") = "Gene C" g = graph::addEdge("A", "B", g) g = graph::addEdge("B", "C", g) g = graph::addEdge("C", "A", g) edgeData(g, "A", "B", "edgeType") = "phosphorylates" edgeData(g, "B", "C", "edgeType") = "synthetic lethal" edgeData(g, "A", "B", "score") = 35 edgeData(g, "B", "C", "score") = -12 return(g) } } \keyword{graph}