\name{makeRandomGraph} \alias{makeRandomGraph} \title{ makeRandomGraph } \description{ Create a random undirected graphNEL, useful for testing. Two default edge attributes are added, for demonstration purposes. } \usage{ makeRandomGraph(node.count=12, seed=123) } \arguments{ \item{node.count}{the number of nodes you wish to see in the graph} \item{seed}{an integer which, when supplied, allows reproducibility} } \value{ Returns (by default) a 12-node, rather dense undirected graph, with some attributes on the nodes and edges. } \author{ Paul Shannon } \examples{ g = makeRandomGraph (node.count=12, seed=123) ## The function is currently defined as function (node.count = 12, seed = 123) { set.seed(seed) node.names = as.character(1:node.count) g = randomGraph(node.names, M <- 1:2, p = 0.6) attr(edgeDataDefaults(g, attr = "weight"), "class") = "DOUBLE" edgeDataDefaults(g, "pmid") = "9988778899" attr(edgeDataDefaults(g, attr = "pmid"), "class") = "STRING" return(g) } } \keyword{graph}