\name{initEdgeAttribute} \alias{initEdgeAttribute} \title{ initEdgeAttribute } \description{ Create the edge attribute slot that the Bioconductor graph class requires, including a default value, and then specifying what the base type (or 'class') is -- 'char', 'integer', or 'numeric' -- which is needed by RCytoscape. This method converts these standard R data type names, to the forms needed by Cytoscape. } \usage{ initEdgeAttribute(graph, attribute.name, attribute.type, default.value) } \arguments{ \item{graph}{a Bioconductor \code{graph} object. } \item{attribute.name}{a \code{string}, the name of the new edge attribute.} \item{attribute.type}{a \code{string}, either 'char', 'integer', or 'numeric'} \item{default.value}{something sensible, of the right type} } \value{ Returns the modified graph. } \author{ Paul Shannon } \seealso{ initNodeAttribute makeSimpleGraph } \examples{ g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed') g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'edgeType', 'char', 'associates with') } \keyword{graph}